Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Dinner Bell Menu for October 07, 2020

The mission of the Dinner Bell is to end hunger in Hopkins County. Fresh, hot, nutritious meals are prepared by volunteers each Wednesday and served to our guests in the First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Through the generous support of church, community members and corporate sponsors, like this weeks sponsor V F W we have been able to serve over 60,000+ meals to those in need since opening our kitchen in February 2012.

If you or your business would like to sponsor a Dinner Bell meal

give the Church a call at 903/885-2185

Dinner Bell Menu for Wednesday October 7th, 2020

Dinner Bell remains a GRAB and GO operation with meals distributed under the covered driveway (porte cochere) on the Northeast corner of the First United Methodist Church campus starting after 11a.m. on Wednesday where you can pick up your meal.


Herb roasted pork loin

Mashed Potatoes

Italian cut green beans

Garden salad

French rolls

Iced milk chocolate brownies

Dinner Bell Cares for the people of Sulphur Springs and Hopkins County Please take care of yourself. Wash your hands often, often, often. Wear MASKS over your mouth and nose when you must be out in public. STAY SIX FEET FROM OTHERS. Stay home as much as is possible. KEEP HEALTHY!!! WE WANT TO SEE YOU IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL WHEN THIS QUARANTINE IS OVER!!!

Covered Driveway where you can pickup your meal.
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