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Saltillo Elementary, Junior High To Hold Drive-Through Awards Pick-Up May 18-19

Saltillo Kindergarten, 8th Grade Graduations Slated Aug. 18

Saltillo ISD announced plans for graduation ceremonies for seniors, 8th graders and kindergarteners. Saltillo elementary and junior high are slated to hold drive-through awards events next week.

Drive-Through Awards

From 3 to 5:30 p.m. Monday, May 18, Saltillo Elementary will conduct “drive through awards.” Families of pre-kindergarten through fifth grade students will arrive in the car rider pick-up line for the awards. Any work or library books they students have yet to turn in should be brought to this program. They will be turned in as the family drives up. Teachers will have all of the student’s belongings, along with awards, ready to send home with them at that time.

Junior High has scheduled a drive through awards from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 19. Families will line up in their vehicles in the car-rider pickup line. Any work or library books that students still have out should be turned in as they drive through the line to receive their awards.

Kindergarten, 8th Grade Graduations

Kindergarten and 8th grader graduation ceremonies have been pushed back, planned for Thursday, Aug. 13. That is the night of the scheduled open house for the 2020-2021 school year.

Graduation cap

This decision was made after much consideration and discussion among school officials pertaining to the safety and wellbeing of Saltillo ISD families. As these near, additional details will be provided, according to Saltillo ISD administrators.

Senior Graduation, Baccalaureate

A baccalaureate service is set for 7 p.m. Sunday, May 24, at Weaver Baptist Church for seniors and their parents. Local social distancing guidelines will apply, however, and scheduling is contingent on local COVID-19 case numbers remaining low.

The Saltillo senior graduation ceremony will be held at 7:30 p.m. May 29, outdoors in the main parking lot, the school announced.

All students and guests will be required to follow social distancing guidelines, safety and security protocols, and other health measures at graduation. In order to do so, Saltillo ISD graduation ceremonies will move outdoors to the main parking lot of our school. A full list of protocols and guidelines provided by Texas Education Agency for schools regarding graduation celebrations can be downloaded from the TEA website.

Saltillo ISD will provide additional information for students and guests As the event nears.

Author: KSST Contributor

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