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Presley Cummins of Como-Pickton Named FFA Vice-President of Paris District

According to a report from FFA Sponsor and Ag Science teacher Chanda Neal, the Como-Pickton FFA Chapter was well represented at the Paris District FFA Convention January 9th, 2020.

Como-Pickton FFA chapter members

Como-Pickton FFA’s very own Presley Cummins was elected to serve as the 2020-2021 Paris District FFA Vice President. Cummins was required to participate in an interview and testing process prior to the convention. She also delivered a speech on stage at the convention where she talked about how the FFA makes you One in a Billion.

Miss Presley Cummins, Newly Elected Vice President of Paris District FFA

The Como-Pickton FFA Chapter had 13 Students in attendance at the district convention. Four students were members of the Voting Delegate body, responsible for representing their chapter by voting for the newly elected District and Area Officer candidates, as well as the Talent team who will represent Paris District FFA at the Area 6 convention later this year.

Author: Enola Gay

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