Free to good home a young Great Pyrenees male not fixed call Becky at 912-7153
Red Keurig K-Classic Coffee Maker asking $22 call or txt 903.440.5523 for questions or pic
For Sale: a binder full of NASCAR collectable trading cards. Selling all at once. Make an offer. … If you are serious, I can arrange a meeting either at my work in Sulphur Springs, or at my home in Cumby, for you to see the cards and purchase them. If interested, or for more details, please call or text 903-366-9401. Please leave a message if no answer.
For Sale: for sale, a large mirror. It measures 30″ by 40″. … This party can send you pictures. … If interested, please call 903-243-4126…
For Sale: Peanuts, 1 pound bags, $5. 4154 FM 71 East, Dike. 903 439 8798 ask for Troy.
For Sale: a Ford 4000 tractor. This party is asking $5,500.00 for it. Can be seen in the Winnsboro area. If interested, or for more details, please call 903-717-1194.
For Sale 6 foot solid maple table w/ 12″ leaves has 8 chairs and in very good shape $300 Can be seen in Pickton 903-521-0785
For Sale: John Deere 2550 Cab tractor 903-717-1194 Also have Diesel Tank approx 250 gallons
3 point hay fork,3 point hay spear with gooseneck ball to move trailers. Your choice $100 each oboe. 903 438 6992
a Fooing Electric 1.5 quart countertop/table ice cream maker, for picture call or txt 903.440.5523 if no answer please leave message. May be working at the time you call. asking $20
Troy bilt tiller, 6hp, with plow. 903 885 2550
Little girls play day 13-piece porcelain tea set new still in box asking $10. Bump N Go Bubble Blowing Dino-Lights, Sounds & Movement, this self-walking bubble machine will move and spin. continuous stream of bubbles that blast out of its mouth. New still in box asking $10 call or text 903.440.5523.
Ford 4000 Diesel Tractor, 903 717 1194. Winnsboro Area.
scrubs all sizes and color asking $4 a piece, children jeans and short some still have price tag and some barely worn have to call or text for sizes name brand all prices at affordable prices. Call or text 903-440-5523
For sale: Sofa and loveseat, $225 in good condition. 903 243 7501
I have a full size bed in excellent condition . The frame and headboard are black . Comes with bedframe , headboard , mattress and box springs . Asking $200.00 . Located in Sulphur Springs . Please text me at 903-335-3546 if interested . Thanks
Lost Basset Hound Miller Grove/Greenview area was wearing Pink Dog Coat .Answer to Mazey
Free puppies to a good home. 3/4 Australian Shepherd,1/4 Border Collie. 12 weeks old, have been vaccinated twice and dewormed. Call Truman at 903-439-5917.
I’m looking to buy Volkswagen vans from the 50’s and 60’s. In any condition, in a barn or out in the pasture, I don’t care! I will travel. I will pay a cash reward $500 for information that leads to a purchase. Thank you and God bless, Troy
A Aosom Dog Bike Trailer Pet Cart Bicycle it’s blue and gray in color excellent condition, asking $45, call 903-440-5523,txt or call
2 mixed breed brindle hunting dogs. 9 months old. One neutered male, one spayed female. All shots complete. $150 each. Please call 972-333-9054.
Needing to buy 30 rolls of round hay call 903-348-1738
For sale JD 2550 cab tractor with loader and hay forks. Near Winnsboro, $16,000. 903 717 1194
Wanted: Vintage John Deere Gators, AMT600, AMT 622, AMT626. Any condition, Cash. 9O3 348 4498.
Wanted: portable welder, running or not, cash. 9O3-348-4498
Wanted: car batteries, tractor batteries, scooter batteries, any old lead batteries. Will come and pick them up. 903-348-4498.