Paris — Here’s a look at work planned in the district for the week starting Feb. 19, 2024. These schedules are subject to change due to weather conditions, equipment failure or other unforeseen issues. Motorists are advised to remain alert and pay special attention to all signs, barricades and traffic controls, and reduce their speed as they approach and travel through work zones. They should also avoid distractions such as cell phones, eating, drinking, or car audio or navigation systems.
Sherman Area (Fannin, Grayson Counties)
Contacts: Sherman Area Office (903) 892-6529; Grayson Co. Maintenance (903) 893-8831; Fannin Co. Maintenance (903) 583-7566.
Safety Message: Move Over or Slow Down
While millions of Texans commute to work on highways every week, they pass inches away from the worksites for thousands of law enforcement personnel, first responders and road maintenance crews. Unfortunately, many of them are killed in crashes every year on the job, which is why TxDOT is calling on Texas drivers to keep roadside workers safe by remembering to “Move Over or Slow Down.”
The state’s Move Over or Slow Down law requires drivers to move over—putting a lane between them and roadside workers—or reduce their speed to 20 mph below the posted speed limit when passing law enforcement, tow trucks, utility vehicles, emergency responders and TxDOT vehicles stopped with activated overhead lights on the side of the road.
Changes to the law went into effect on Sept. 1, 2023, and impose heftier penalties for violations, including fines of up to $1,250 for a first offense. Stricter penalties for drivers who cause serious injuries by failing to follow these rules now include possible jail time and a fine of up to $4,000.
Every year, law enforcement officers, tow truck drivers and other roadside workers do essential work protecting and maintaining our roads, but some are hit, injured or killed while serving our community. TxDOT’s Be Safe. Drive Smart. public awareness campaign asks all drivers to respect these workers who are vital to keeping our roads clear and safe.
The Move Over or Slow Down law requires drivers to:
Be on alert and pay attention when approaching roadside law enforcement, emergency vehicles, tow trucks, utility vehicles and TxDOT vehicles with flashing lights on.
When possible, move out of the lane closest to these vehicles.
Slow down to 20 mph below the posted speed limit if safely switching lanes is not possible or the road doesn’t offer multiple lanes.
Reduce speed to 5 mph on roadways with posted speed limits of 25 mph or less.
The state’s Move Over or Slow Down law was first passed in 2003 and applied to law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services vehicles. The Texas Legislature has since extended the law’s protections to include TxDOT vehicles, tow trucks and utility service vehicles.
Be Safe. Drive Smart. is a key component of #EndTheStreakTX, a broader social media and word-of-mouth effort that encourages drivers to make safer choices while behind the wheel to help end the streak of daily deaths. November 7, 2000 was the last deathless day on Texas roadways.
Grayson County: US 75, from US 82 to North Loy Lake Road. This project will rebuild and widen the US 75 mainlanes from four lanes to six lanes as well as reconstruct the entrance and exit ramps on US 75. The project will also reconstruct bridges at FM 691, Iron Ore Creek and Spur 503, and add U-turn bridges at Loy Lake Road in Sherman and Spur 503 in Denison. A reduced speed limit of 65 mph on the US 75 mainlanes has been set for this construction project. Watch for shoulder work and frontage road lane closures within the project.
US 75, from FM 1417 to SH 91 (Texoma Parkway). A reduced speed limit of 60 mph on the US 75 mainlanes has been set on the mainlanes for this construction project. Watch for shoulder closures and lane shifts on the northbound and southbound US 75 main lanes between SH 91 and FM 1417 as crews work on building new main lanes, bridges, and retaining walls. Watch for lane closures on the frontage roads between FM 1417 and SH 91.
Mainlane traffic has been switched from the old mainlanes to the existing frontage roads to allow for construction of the new mainlanes and bridges between South Travis Street and Center Street. During this operation, northbound US 75 mainlane traffic will shift onto the existing frontage road approximately one-half mile north of South Travis Street and transition back to the existing mainlanes at Middleton Street. Southbound US 75 mainlane traffic will shift onto the existing frontage road approximately one-half mile north of Park Avenue and transition back to existing mainlanes approximately one-half mile north of South Travis Street. This operation will allow for reconstruction of the proposed US 75 mainlanes and bridges at Post Oak Creek. During this phase, US 75 frontage road traffic will be reduced to a single travel lane while US 75 mainlane traffic will maintain two travel lanes. Both mainlane and frontage road traffic will be separated by concrete barriers.
All eastbound and westbound lanes of Park Avenue under US 75 are closed to traffic. This closure is necessary to allow for construction of the new overpass at Park Avenue. To detour, eastbound Park Avenue traffic will continue on the southbound US 75 frontage road, turn left on South Travis Street, and turn left on the northbound US 75 frontage road to return to Park Avenue. Westbound traffic will turn right on the northbound US 75 frontage road, turn left on Center Street, and turn left on the southbound US 75 frontage road to return to Park Avenue.
US 75, at the US 82 intersection. Watch for lane closures and lane shifts for the frontage roads on the northbound and southbound US 75 frontage road lanes between South Loy Lake Road and Lamberth Street, as well as on the eastbound and westbound US 82 frontage road lanes between FM 131 and Loy Lake Road while crews work on construction of new frontage road lanes.
Watch for lane closures of the eastbound and westbound US 82 frontage roads at the northbound and southbound US 75 frontage roads in Sherman. Traffic will remain in this configuration for five weeks while this phase of construction is performed. For this phase, the lanes for the northbound and southbound frontage roads of US 75 will be shifted to the outside onto the newly constructed widening and traffic will be routed onto the new US 82 overpasses. Eastbound and westbound frontage roads of US 82 between the northbound and southbound frontage roads of US 75 will be reduced to one lane of traffic in both the eastbound and westbound directions. This operation will allow for the construction of under pavement drainage structures and constructing one half the width of the permanent pavement. Drivers are advised to be aware of road crews on the highway, expect some delays, and plan their commutes in advance.
FM 1417, from US 82 to SH 56. A reduced speed limit of 45 mph has been set for this construction project. Watch for lane closures between US 82 and SH 56 while crews complete the remaining work on the project. All southbound FM 1417 traffic has been moved to the permanent southbound lanes. Travelers are advised that after this traffic switch occurs, intermittent temporary daily lane closures will be required for both northbound and southbound FM 1417 while the contractor completes the remaining work items.
US 82, from SH 91 to FM 1417 in Sherman. Watch for a lane closure on westbound US 82 between Texoma Parkway and Loy Lake Road as workers install a center median concrete barrier to help prevent crossover head-on collisions.
FM 121, from Main Street in Van Alstyne to SH 160. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway to an overall width of 26 feet. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
Park Road 20 in Eisenhower State Park. Watch for daytime lane closures within Eisenhower State Park as workers perform base repairs on the roadway and then overlay the roadway with a hot-mix surface. Motorists should expect delays as flaggers and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
US 82, from the Cooke County line to FM 131 in Sherman. Watch for lane closures as workers replace the bridge railing and guardrail approaches at each bridge structure and install median barrier. During construction, bridge travel will be reduced to one lane while crews replace the bridge railing. Currently, the contractor is working on the westbound US 82 lanes at Harris Creek and on the eastbound lanes at Post Oak Creek. On this project, the contractor is also installing a center median concrete traffic barrier between FM 1417 and FM 131. Motorists should expect lane closures while this work is underway.
Lynch Crossing Road at Jordan Creek. Lynch Crossing Road at Jordan Creek is closed to through traffic to allow for replacement of the bridge. During the closure, traffic is asked to use County Line Church Road and West Line Road as a detour.
US 75 full depth concrete repair, from the Collin County line to the Oklahoma State line. Crews will be working on US 75 each week from Sunday night through Friday morning during the overnight period. Lane closures will be present at night for crews to replace failed concrete sections. Lane closures will begin at 7:30 p.m. each night and should be reopened to traffic by 6 a.m. This work will extend from the Collin-Grayson County line to the Oklahoma State line.
US 75 debris pickup, from Collin County line to Oklahoma State line. Watch for mobile lane closures as workers pick up debris from the roadway every Monday and Thursday during the nighttime.
FM 121, from FM 3356 to Majors Road. Watch for daytime lane closures as maintenance crews perform base repairs and blade leveling on the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as flaggers and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
FM 901, from SH 56 to FM 902. Watch for daytime lane closures as maintenance crews perform blade leveling on the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as flaggers and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
FM 2729, from FM 902 to FM 121. Watch for daytime lane closures as maintenance crews perform blade leveling on the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as flaggers and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
Fannin County: SH 78, from US 82 to the Oklahoma State line. Watch for daytime shoulder closures and occasional lane closures as workers install sloped-end treatments on drainage structures and replace bridge rail and guardrail.
SH 56, in Dodd City from CR 2936 to CR 3210. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to mill and pave the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
SH 56, in Windom from CR 2970 to CR 2996. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to mill and pave the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
FM 100, from SH 56 to FM 2216. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
FM 271, from SH 78 to FM 68. Watch for daytime lane closures as crews work to rehabilitate and widen the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as signals and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
CR 3210 at Bullard Creek. CR 3210 at Bullard Creek has been reopened to through traffic as construction of the new bridge is complete.
CR 1020 at Caney Creek. CR 1020 at Caney Creek is closed to through traffic to allow for replacement of the bridge. During the closure, traffic is asked to use CR 1030 as a detour.
SH 78, from SH 56 to FM 1553. Watch for daytime lane closures as maintenance crews perform blade leveling on the roadway. Motorists should expect delays as flaggers and pilot cars direct traffic through the work zone.
Sulphur Springs Area (Hopkins, Franklin Counties):
Contacts: Sulphur Springs Area Office (903) 885-9514; Franklin Co. Maintenance (903) 537-4976; Hopkins Co. Maintenance (903) 885-4031.
Hopkins County: FM 900, from I-30 to FM 3019. Watch for single lane closures and delays as crews perform surfacing operations.
Paris Area (Delta, Lamar, Red River Counties)
Contacts: Paris Area Office (903) 784-1357; Delta Co. Maintenance (903) 395-2139; Lamar Co. Maintenance (903) 785-4468; Red River Co. Maintenance (903) 427-3561.
Lamar County: Loop 286, from FM 1497 around the north loop to FM 1507. Watch for temporary lane and shoulder closures and traffic merges while crews improve guardrail and drainage structures and perform bridge maintenance.
Loop 286, from US 271 North going west to FM 79. Watch for temporary lane and shoulder closures, lane shifts, crossing closures and merging traffic while crews place a bonded concrete surface and perform asphalt paving operations.
US 271, from LP 286 to Oklahoma State Line. Watch for temporary lane and shoulder closures and traffic merges while crews resurface the pavement and perform bridge maintenance.
FM 1507 (Jefferson Rd), from SH 19 to 0.8 MI North of Loop 286. Watch for temporary lane and shoulder closures while crews install sidewalk.
CR 26320 at Morrison Creek. Watch for temporary roadway closure and detour while crews replace existing bridge structure.
FM 1497, from FM 1184 to FM 3426. Watch for temporary lane and shoulder closures while crews rehabilitate the existing pavement and improve drainage structures
SH 24, Lamar & Delta Counties: from the FM 64 intersection to 1,540 feet east of FM 198. Watch for temporary lane closures and lane shifts while crews resurface the roadway and perform bridge rail upgrades.
US 271, Lamar & Red River Counties: from the FM 196 North to SH 37. Watch for temporary shoulder closures and trucks entering and exiting the highway as crews remove tree and brush from within right of way.
Delta County:
FM 2068 at East Fork of Jernigan Creek. Watch for temporary roadway closure and detour while crews replace existing bridge structure.
FM 2675, from Lamar County line to FM 128. Watch for temporary lane closures while crews rehabilitate the existing pavement and improve drainage structures.
Red River County: Cedar / Church Street (Clarksville, Texas), at the intersection of Cedar and Church Street. Watch for road closure while crews remove and replace the existing bridge.
Locust Street (Clarksville, Texas), at Delaware Creek. Watch for road closure while crews remove and replace the existing bridge.
CR 2127 at Scatter Creek. Watch for temporary roadway closure and detour while crews replace existing bridge structure.
FM 2120, from FM 2573 to SH 37. Watch for temporary lane and shoulder closures while crews rehabilitate the existing pavement and improve drainage structures.
FM 1487, from FM 910 to FM 412. Watch for temporary lane and shoulder closures while crews rehabilitate the existing pavement and improve drainage structures.
Greenville Area (Hunt, Rains Counties)
Contacts: Greenville Area Office (903) 455-2363; Hunt Co. Maintenance (903) 455-2303; Rains Co. Maintenance (903) 473-2682.
Hunt County: SH 11, from Culver Street to Live Oak. The contractor has placed work zone signs and barricades. The contractor has been working on signals at various locations and performing concrete median work. Final striping and sign placement will begin soon. The contractor has finished placing sod at various locations. Please be aware of workers and watch for work zones when traveling in this area.
FM 1563, from SH 50 to SH 2655: This is a 2.7-mile rehabilitation project that will widen the existing roadway. The contractor has set work zone signs and barricades. The contractor has begun preparing the right of way: placing driveways and driveway safety-end-treatments and cross culvert work is underway. The contractor is currently working on culvert extensions and performing subgrade widening work and base work and placing geogrid at various locations. Please be aware of workers and watch for work zones when traveling in this area.
FM 2642, from FM 35 to SH 66: The contractor has set work zone signs and barricades. Excavation work for the detour is ongoing. The contractor has shifted traffic to the west to begin removal of asphalt, concrete and some existing driveways. Placement of storm sewer will continue. Please be aware of workers and watch for work zones when traveling in this area.
FM 2649, from I-30 to FM 1567. The contractors have set barricades and work zone traffic signs. Cross culvert work is complete. The contractor has completed subgrade widening, cement treatment, flex base, and geogrid of the subgrade near mile six of the eight-mile project. Riprap and erosion control work is ongoing. Please be aware of workers and watch for work zones when traveling in this area.
Shelby Avenue and Bledsoe Creek Bridge: The contractor has set barricades and work zone signs at both locations. The contractor has placed beams and poured the concrete deck on Shelby Avenue. The Bledsoe Creek in Fannin County project has completed the backwalls and prep right-of-way work. Bridge beams will soon be placed. Please be aware of workers and watch for work zones when traveling in this area.
I-30 intersection improvements from Monte Stratton to FM 1903. The contractor has set barricades and advance warning signs. The contractor will be performing eastbound main lane barrier shift work, placing low profile traffic barrier at FM 1903 and excavation / embankment for detour placement. Excavation work on Gilstrap will begin soon and some work zone striping will be performed east bound near FM 1570. Utility work is ongoing. Temporary ramps are now open. The contractor plans to place more barriers and perform main lane widening and drainage work in the area. Please be aware of workers and watch for work zones when traveling in this area.
Hunt and Rains Counties Hunt County Maintenance will be performing work on FM 3211 and overlaying on FM 3427. Rains County Maintenance has been working on SH 276 repairing uneven shoulders and will perform some sweeping on US 69 at various locations. Both maintenance crews will be performing various sign and mailbox installations on various roads, and fixing potholes on FM roads and state highways.