Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Anonymous Donor Makes Challenge to Help Meal-A-Day Program

December 14, 2023 – Someone who wishes to remain anonymous has gotten into the Christmas spirit in a big way and they are using their checkbook. Meal-A-Day director Amanda Dietlin was contacted earlier in the month of December from a donor issuing a challenge to spur donations to the program. Dietlin reports, “This benefactor wishes to donate up to $5,000 in matching donations made by anyone in the month of December.” Dietlin continued by saying, “Other folks have already stepped up like the Corvette Club donation of $1,000 and we have had another big donation of $750 plus several other donations bringing our total to over $2,500 which will be matched dollar for dollar by this Secret Santa.” Director Dietlin is in hopes more donations will come through to take advantage of this Holiday generosity. 

Amanda Dietlin

Meal-A-Day director, Amanda Dietlin shared the challenges that she and her staff face on a daily basis as they have seen some of their item’s costs double if not triple over the past 12 months. Dietlin explained how important all the support that her program receives keeps this worthwhile service in operation, as the five-day-a-week contact with these seniors is vital to the well-being of the senior community.

The Meal-A-Day program is constantly in need of volunteers to cook or deliver meals to the more than 130 recipients each day, Monday through Friday. The operation takes a constant effort of around 60 volunteers each week with cooks, cooking helpers, and drivers of the various routes. And although Meal-A-Day works from the Senior Center, it receives no direct financial support from the City Of Sulphur Springs. If you can spare a couple of hours just one day a week, call Amanda to see how you can help out. The Meal-A-Day volunteer hotline is 903-885-1661.

Author: Chad Young

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