SSISD 31 Resignations, 23 New Personnel And 28 Personnel Changes
May 9, 2023- Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees met Monday May 8th. During their regular monthly meeting several personnel changes were announced. A total 31 employees resigned from the district, 23 new employees have been hired on and a total of 28 employees have had their positions changed.
- Bailecki, Elizabeth – Band Teacher, Middle School, Personal
- Barrios, Saylor Grade – 7 ELAR, Middle School, Job
- Butler. Alysia – Math Teacher, Middle School, Personal
- Byrd, Joanna – Grade 4 ELAR/SS, SSES, Moving
- Coleman, Miranda – Grade 5 Science, SSES, New Job
- Cunningham, Amie – SPED Teacher, Bush Primary, Personal
- Espinoza, Yasmin – SPED Teacher, Douglass, Personal
- Garcia-Hidalgo, Maria – SPED Teacher, SSHS, Personal
- Garrett, Brayden – HS Aide, Douglass, Personal
- Hall, Ashley – English Teacher, High School, Personal
- Hall, Jamia – SPED Aide, SSES, Personal
- Huzinga, Robert – Transporation Director, Admin, Personal
- Jackson, Kayla – SPED Teacher, Bush, Personal
- Johnson, Britni – Kinder Teacher, Bowie, Personal
- Kerby, Harley – Librarian Aide, Johnson Primary, Personal
- Lira, Alejandra – Grade 2 DLE Teacher, Travis, Personal
- Luna, Denise – SPED Aide, SSES, Personal
- McKinney, Kristin – SPED Teacher, High School, Personal
- Nash, Kesha – Grade 4 Math/Science, SSES, Personal
- Newton, Rebekah – Grade 7 ELAR, Middle School, Personal
- Painter, Ashley – Geometry Teacher, SSHS, New Job
- Perez, Lucinda – Behavior Intervention, Bowie, Personal
- Phillips, Stephanie – Grade 7 ELAR, Middle School, Retirement
- Polk, Shelby – SPED/Behavior AIde, Middle School, Personal
- Ricker, Meghan – Kinder Teacher, Johnson Primary, Moving
- Schaefer, ShaiLynn – SPED Teacher, SSES, New Job
- Scritchfield, Miranda – Attendance Clerk, Middle School, Personal
- Skipper, Joel – Culinary Arts, High School, New Job
- Toney, Craig – Director of BIL/ESL, Admin, New Job
- Virgel, Jennifer – SPED Teacher, High School, Personal
- Young, Jamie – English 1, High School, Moving
New Personnel:
- Bain, Tanya – Grade 5 ELAR/SS, SSES replacing Tissha Harris
- Blake, Rosa – Kindergarten, Bowie replacing Brianna Peterson
- Chio, Beatrice – Secretary Diag/LSSP, Special Srvcs. going to New Position
- Clark, Spencer – Ag/Welding, High School replacing Stephen Shelby
- Copeland, Brent – At-Risk Aide, Middle School replacing Sandra Foshee
- Edwards, Angela – Testing Coordinator, SSHS replacing Kathy Wright
- Evans, Rodney – SPED SAIL Teacher, Middle School going to New Position
- Gibson, Alicia – SPED Teacher, Douglass replacing Tracy Flanery
- Gonzalez, Wendy – Counselor, High School replacing Jamie Ladd
- Hefner, Jordan – Grade 6 ELAR/SPED, Middle School replacing Kylie Garmon
- Hefner, Joshua – SPED Teacher, Middle School going to New Position
- Henderson, Grace – Counselor, Travis replacing Itzel Figueroa
- Manning, James – SPED Aide, Middle School replacing Carrah Griffith
- Martinez, Allison – Asst. Band Director, High School replacing Elizabeth Bialecki
- Moore, Lena – Grade 2, Johnson Primary replacing Jady Martin
- Newsom, Ali – Grade 1, Johnson Primary replacing Gracie Moore
- Parris, Cayce – Grade 5 ELAR/SS, SSES replacing Hayley McKinney
- Pool, Danyelle – Grade 7 ELAR, Middle School replacing Rebekah Newton
- Satcher, Chesney – Counselor, High School replacing Carol Cowley
- Thompson, Bailey – Grade 1, Johnson Primary replacing Erica Fierst
- Vandeventer, Trevor – Grade 4 Math/Science, SSES replacing Kesha Nash
- Weatherly, Sarah – Nurse-RN, SSHS replacing Beverly Mayo
- Werry, Skyler – Math Co-Teach, Middle School replacing Stephanie Phillips
Personnel Changes:
Brown, Sara – former Campus Secretary/SSMS, new position Attendance clerk/SSMS replacing Miranda Scritchfield
Carrell, Tammy – former Athletic Trainer/SSHS, new position Athletic Trainer/SSMS replacing Marcos Garza
Cooey, Emma – former SPED Aide/Bush, new position SPED Aide/Johnson
Crawford, Dara – former SPED Aide/Bush, new position SPED Aide/Johnson
Del Castillo, Alma – former Math/SSMS, new position Math-Girls Coach/SSHS replacing Ashley Painter/Castro
Denton, Mandi – former Resource Math/SSMS, new position SPED Self Contained/SSMS replacing Sean Ditto
Earheart, Kimberly – former Behavior Inter/Bowie, new position SPED Teacher/Douglass replacing Yasmin Espinoza
Funderburk, Christi – former Grade 7 ELAR/SSMS, new position Grade 6 ELAR/SSMS replacing Karina Perez
Gant, Tristan – former Kinder/Bush, new position Kinder/Johnson replacing Meghan Ricker
Giguere, Bryan – former SPED Aide/SSMS, new position SPED Aide/SSHS former Shelby Polk
Hill, Harlan – former Gade 4 Math/SSES, new position Grade 7 Math/SSMS replacing Alysia Butler
Jones, Brittney – former Title 1 Aide/Bowie, new position Kinder/Bowie replacing Britni Johnson
Kirkpatrick, Ashley – former SPED Aide/Bush, new position SPED Aide/Johnson
Moreland, Anna – former SPED Aide/Bush, new position SPED Aide/Johnson
Nottingham, Klarissa – former SPED Aide/Bush, new position SPED Aide/Bowie
Overly, Lexi – former Grade 4 Math/Science, new position Grade 4 ELAR/SS replacing Joanna Byrd
Penson, Anne-Michelle – former Literacy Support/Bush, new position Academic Spec./Bush replacing Stacie Shearer
Perez, Karina – former Grade 6 ELAR/SSMS, new position Grade 6 Math/SSMS replacing Vallesha Adams
Peterson, Briana – former Kinder/Bowie, new position Grade 4/SSES replacing Lexi Overly
Pettit, Mackenzie – former Grade 5 ELAR/SSES, new position ELAR/SSMS replacing Angela McCrary
Rogers, Laramie – former SPED Aide/Bush, new position SPED Aide/Johnson
Rogers, Terri – former SPED Aide/Bush, new position SPED Aide/Bowie
Schmidt, Jovona – former Math Support/Bush, new position Literacy Support/Bush replacing Anne-Michelle Penson
Thompson, Sonya – former SPED Aide/Bush, new position SPED Aide/Bowie
Torres, Dalia – former Grade 3 Math/Bush, Kinder/Bush replacing Tristan Gant
Walker, Angelica – former Hope SPED Aide/SSMS, new position ELAR/SSMS replacing Christi Funderburk
Webb, Mary Lisa – former Grade 8 ELAR/SSMS, new position English/SSHS replacing Ashley Hall
Wells, Ashlee – former Grade 6 World History/SSMS, new position Resource SPED/SSMS replacing Nancy Rodgers