The Hopkins County Genealogical Society invites members and nonmembers who want to learn more about doing genealogical research to join us on April 26th. Bring your sack lunch, salad or drive-through meal and meet with us from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the genealogy library, 611 N. Davis St., Sulphur Springs, Tx. Coffee, tea, water, and soft drinks will be available for purchase.
Our March session featured Rhonda Bechhold presenting “Ancestry 101- Completing Your Family Group Sheet.” Forms were made available to each attendee and instruction was given on how to complete them.
This month, Rhonda will advise you what you want to research after step one when you have completed your family group sheet and pedigree chart. She will be going over all the documents you will want to copy & collect about your ancestors, and she will tell you where to find those records.
Don’t worry if you missed the March session. There will be plenty of review! We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about your ancestors.