Thank you, Bell Concrete, for sponsoring the Hopkins County Health Care Foundation’s Lights of Life Gala which will be held on April 22. Matt Jasmer (l-r) poses with Gala Co-Chairs Whitney and Logan Vaughan. Tickets are available at

Advanced Heart Care is sponsoring the Light of Life Gala that supports local healthcare. Gala Co-Chair Logan Vaughan joins Dr. Donald Wurzburg for the check presentation. The Gala is a project of the Hopkins County Health Care Foundation with all proceeds remaining in Hopkins County.

Hopkins County Hospital District Gala Co-Chairs (l-r) Logan and Whitney Vaughan join Dave Shabaz at the Sulphur Springs News-Telegram office to recognize the newspapers support of the Foundation’s Lights of Life Gala. This event raises money to buy medical equipment and offerings that a community the size of Sulphur Springs normally does not have available to its citizens. The newspaper has provided advertising to support the event.