Feb. 15,2023 AUSTIN, TEXAS – Today, Representative Bryan Slaton filed HR 238, calling for the House to bring Articles of Impeachment against Judge Mary Brown of the 301st Judicial District for her facilitation of child abuse, and demonstrating conduct unbecoming a judge. The conduct constituting child abuse involved judicial actions related to custody of the children of Jeff Younger. Representative Slaton said the following: “By her rulings and decision in this case, Judge Brown put radical gender ideology and its effect on children above her duty to uphold the Constitution. She made these decisions, despite knowing full-well that a child would be subjected to further gender modification surgeries, procedures, therapies and counseling – actions that all reasonable people know to be barbaric and abusive. The Texas Constitution gives the House of Representatives the power to bring articles of impeachment against judges. I brought this resolution today because her actions are unconscionable, and the Texas Legislature must respond.”
Several Statewide offices and agencies have already decried the practice of gender modification of children, calling it child abuse, including those of Governor Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick. The Attorney General’s office issued an opinion stating that sex-change surgeries can “constitute child abuse when performed on minor children,” and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services agreed with the Attorney General’s assessment when they stated that “Genital mutilation of a child through reassignment surgery is child abuse” in a letter to the Governor.