Limb And Debris Cleanup Site Time Period Extended

Feb. 13, 2023- Due to an overwhelming response, the City of Sulphur Springs is going to extend the time period to accept tree limbs/trunks. The spring cleanup site will remain open from now through Saturday, February 18 from 7am-4pm. To be able to use this service, you must show a water bill or government issued ID for proof of residency inside the city limits. The cleanup site is located ¼ mile east of Flowserve on Jefferson Street. This is strictly for tree limbs/trunks and nothing else.   

As always, trees, shrub and brush trimmings can be picked up with your regular trash service. They must be placed at the curb and securely tied together forming an easily handled package not exceeding four feet in length or 35 pounds in weight. 

Author: Ethan Klein

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