Filing Continues For Sulphur Springs City Council

Sulphur Springs City Secretary Natalie Darrow reports that only two candidates have filed for Places on the Sulphur Springs City Council as of Monday morning, January 23, 2023. Two Places, 6 & 7, are up for election on the upcoming May ballot. John A. Sellers, a current council member and previous city mayor has filed his application for candidacy for Place 7 on Sulphur Springs City Council. Tyler Law has filed his application for candidacy for Place 6, which is currently taken by Doug Moore. Doug Moore has yet to reapply for candidacy for his Place.

All places are elected at large. A prospective candidate shall be a qualified voter of the State of Texas, resided continuously in the City of Sulphur Springs for 12 months immediately preceding the deadline for filing an application for a place on the ballot. The election to select Council Members For Places 6 And 7 will be conducted May 6, 2023. Other qualifications for poetential canidates include:

  • Must be a citizen of the United States eligible to hold such office under the constitution and laws of this state
  • Must not be mentally incompetent as determined by a court
  • Must not be convicted of a felony for which he/she has not been pardoned or had full rights of citizenship restored by other official action
  • Must be 18 years of age or older on the commencement of the term to be filled
  • Must not hold any other public office in which he/she was elected for and/or be a member of a board directly appointed by the City Council on the commencement of the term to be filled
  • City taxes must be paid to current
  • Must have knowledge of the nepotism law summary

Author: Ethan Klein

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