CASA Receives Uncorked Donation
October 19, 2022 – The 2022 Main Street Uncorked event was bigger and better than before. The increase in attendance and ticket sales meant CASA received the biggest donation amount since Main Street Uncorked began.

Lake Country CASA
Every year thousands of children in Texas are removed from their homes because of evidence of abuse or neglect. They are uprooted from the only family they’ve known, taken out of schools and away from friends. In short, their worlds are turned upside down. Going through the child welfare system is a scary process and no child should do it alone.
Lake Country CASA works to ensure that every child who needs an advocate to speak for his or her best interests before the courts has a caring, trained adult to help them during this difficult time in their life.
CASA Executive Director Amy Glenn and staff received the check, and expressed thanks for everyone’s efforts. “We are lucky to be in this community, everyone is so generous to non-profits.” said Glenn. Glenn wants to remind everyone that the Annual Cookie Walk for CASA is coming up in December. She doesn’t want to reveal too much at this time, but there will be cookies and cake this year!
Main Street Uncorked
“It’s a fun event downtown, and we decided to donate the proceeds to CASA.” said Uncorked organizer Julia Wilhite. “COVID kinda put a damper on the event a few years ago, but this year was bigger than all the other years.” Wilhite explained that the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission had some new rules this year, and that caused some changes to the event, but it was still a great success.
Main Street Uncorked is getting bigger and may require more space than the Main Street location can provide. “We may need to expand next year to the Plaza.” said Wilhite. “We also are exploring beer breweries for those who prefer that, but TABC has rules that make beer and wine difficult. We are taking a look at next year with excitement.” The 2023 beneficiary has yet to be determined.