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Mayor Encourages All To Join Him in Celebration Of Texas History Month

March 6 Designated As Alamo Day

Texas has a diverse and colorful history, which Sulphur Springs Mayor John Sellers hopes all will join him during the month of March in celebrating the state during Texas History Month. And, for those who many not know, not only is March a busy and important month in Texas but several important events transpired and are observed during the first full week in March – including Alamo Day on March 6.

Sulphur Springs Mayor John Sellers reads a proclamation designating March as Texas History Month in Sulphur Springs.

Mayor Sellers noted that March 1, 2022, is notable not only because the regular Sulphur Springs City Council meeting meeting was held on that day, but it was also Primary Election Day, Fat Tuesday, and the beginning of Texas History Month.

March 2, then, is Texas Independence Day, the 186th year since the signing of Texas’ declaration of independence, creating the Republic of Texas, Sellers noted.

March 2 is also Flag Day for Texas, as declared by the Legislature in 1915. A law was later passed in 1933 establishing rules for proper display of the flag and a pledge to the flag, “Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.” 

In February of 1845, the Republic of Texas approved the resolution to enter the Union, part of which has become known as the Constitution of 1845 and states that Texas retains it’s right to divide itself into four states, in addition to the original Texas. The Republic of Texas existed for 9 years before joining the Union as the 28th State on Dec. 29, 1845.

The Texas Legislature purchased the land that’s come to be known as the Alamo Complex in the early part of the 20th century and designated the Alamo Chapel as the official Texas State Shrine. Alamo Day is Celebrated on March 6.

Texas is known as the Lone Star State, referring to the flag with one white, five-point star on a field of blue, with an upper right white horizontal stripe and a lower red horizontal stripe.

A copy of Texas’ Declaration of Independence from Texas State Library and Archives Commission

In 1826, the Texas Rangers was established by Stephen F. Austin to track down outlaws, reconcile land disputes and settle feuds. In 1925, the Texas Rangers became a branch of Texas Department of Public Safety, and continues to work for law and order in the state.

Texas is the only state that a Republic before joining the Union, the second largest state in land mass and population, and occupies about 7% of the total land and water areas of the United States.

Recognizing the importance of Texas history, the Legislature enacted legislation on June 20, 2003 declaring March 1-31 of every year as Texas History Month.

“It is imperative that the citizens of the great State of Texas make every effort to preserve, protect and promote the diversified and cultural history of our state,” Sellers read from the proclamation, concluding by urging all Texas citizens to observe Texas History Mont with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

Author: KSST Contributor

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