Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Hopkins County United Way Receives Over $75,500 In Donations, Pledges During Final Week Of 2021-22 Campaign

Total Pledged So Far Totals Over $185,000 To Benefit 18 Agencies

Hopkins County United Way campaign workers weekly to cheer for each donation and pledge announced during the weekly report meeting. This week, however, the cheers were especially big as the campaign goal got ever closer to the $40,000 needed to meet the $150,000 goal for the 2021-22 campaign. When HCUW 2021-22 Campaign Chair Kristy Moseley called out the weekly total of $75,530.58 in pledges and donations collected, the room erupted in whooping celebration because that puts the total at $185,952.15 generously contributed by the community to help 18 local non-profit agencies that provide essential services, assistance and enrichment opportunities for people of all ages and segments of the community.

“I am proud to say we have met our goal,” Moseley said. “We have exceeded the goal. Which is so exciting. We just thank everyone for all of their hard work going out and getting the packets, and all the people who donated. We still have some big companies’ [donations] out there that are coming in – just like the hospital that extended. That’s exciting to know that we’re getting it up there even further.”

Mosley referred to a campaign conducted at CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital, where a contest is being extended one week, with a prize of the most valued parking spot for one lucky contributor. Last week, the hospital associates had contributed $9,349. This week, Daniel Tapia reported the employee contribution had increased to $10,502, with the parking space contest campaign extended through next week to give some who many not yet have contributed a chance to do so. And, he anticipated, CHRISTUS will again make a corporate match of $5,000 as well, for a total of $15,502 so far from CHRISTUS MFH-SS and counting.

Grocery Supply Company pledged $14,966 – a $2,500 corporation contribution and $12,466 from employees, Berning reported.

Judy Smith reported a contribution of $13,067 from Flowserve employees.

Hopkins County Hospital District EMS and Communications’ 11 employees pledged $5,646.58 to the HCUW 2021-22 campaign.

“We had great participation from our local banks. We are so grateful to them and all who donated,” HCUW Executive Secretary Susan Berning said.

“We had a very nice participation from Alliance Bank and employees. I’m very excited to turn that in,” said Beverley Owens, noting Alliance Banks’ overall contribution was 110% of the goal.

Cheering this week’s contributors to the HCUW 2021-22 campaign

Johns Sellers reported City National Bank’s corporate goal was $2,200 and the employee goal for HCUW was $4,000. The bank smashed those hefty goals, with a $6,010 contribution (150 percent) from employees and another $5,490 corporate match from CNB, for a total of $11,500 from the bank.

In fact, when Lynda Hager had HCUW campaign workers draw names of bank employees from a shaker to win cash prizes, as has been the tradition for the Bankers Clearinghouse, she noted that 57 of the 86 names in the hopper were from City National Bank employees. The rest of the names were from Guaranty Bank and Trust and Alliance Bank. To get their name in the hopper, employees from the three banks had to pledge at least $60 to HCUW. This is the last year for the Bankers Clearinghouse, campaign workers reported at an earlier meeting. Aside from the already dedicated funds (including the $500 awarded Tuesday – two $100s, four $50s and five $20s) the Bankers Clearinghouse made a contribution to HCUW in lieu of an annual hamburger fundraiser and pledged the balance remaining in the fund to HCUW as well.

While only those who contributed at least $60 annually were entered in to the drawing, local HCUW and banking officials reported many additional bank employees also made pledges and donations to HCUW that were less than $60, but no less important.

Moseley expressed gratitude to Sulphur Springs ISD, who did very well also. The total pledged for all SSISD campuses, including the administration, special services, maintenance, transportation and technology departments, was $12,056.

Moseley reported a 100% donation from Saltillo ISD and Dixon and Dixon Insurance also contributed.

Tim Glenn expressed appreciation for A&G Commercial Trucking’s contribution which exceeded the business’ goal.

Dinh Tran brought in some large jars that had change that was donated for HCUW.

A final cheer from HCUW campaign workers and officers for exceeding the $150,000 2021-22 campaign goal at the Nov. 9, 2021 report meeting

Beverley Owens turned in a packet husband Bill Owens collected from East Texas Physical Therapy, which like those of all of the local businesses he collected donations from, met the goal. She also turned in packets from Linda Galligher from Heath Hyde and Carl Bryan, which were 100% of the goal, and reported for Debra Evans that Pioneer Café made a very nice donation. Galyean Insurance met goal too.

Markeda Fisher and Kayla Price Mitchell were unable to attend but turned in contribution from Town Square Antique Mall. Mike Horne received donations from Wesley Cooper at CBJ, Wesley Cooper at Cooper and Partlow (formerly Northwest Mutual), Cowboy Trucking, Remax Advanced, McMahan Auto and Air. Beth Dattamo from Atmos received a great contribution from Carriage House Manor. Dr. Yoder collected donation packets from Barnes Chiropractic, Richard Fleischer, Yoder’s Eye Focus Vision Care Office, Affordable Chiropractic and Hill Family Chiropractic.

Berning reported a personal contribution from Helen Sapaugh and a donation from Stephanie’s Hair Salaon. Other donations reported at the Nov. 9 meeting were from ReMax, McMahan Auto Air. While tallying the day’s donations, Berning received a text message for the donation from David Watson and the staff at Coldwell Banker, all of which Berning also expressed appreciation.

“What the $185,000 means, is typically, there may be some employee turnover, so we may not necessarily get all of that pledged money. But, any time you’re over the goal we feel like you’re going to be able to fund those organizations as budgeted in that brochure. That’s what’s so very important. That they can depend on getting that money from us next year. That’s so exciting,” Berning said.

“It’s exciting. I just thank everyone for all of your hard work and your help. It’s been an amazing campaign. I’ve learned a lot, just to be able to do great things for our community; that’s what we do here. Our community’s going to benefit from it for sure,” Moseley concluded.

Author: KSST Contributor

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