The 2021 “Walk to Remember” Alzheimer’s Walk was held on a beautiful morning in the heart of our town, on Celebration Plaza. The annual event is the only Fundraiser for the Terrific Tuesdays program with 100% of the funds raised going directly to the continuation of the program. Terrific Tuesdays is a Respite Care Program for anyone with Alzheimer’s , Dementia, Senility, Stroke and any other type of Brain Injuries. Tammi Reardon and her very caring group of Volunteers take care of these participants while their caregivers can have a day off to run errands or just have some time to themselves.
According to Tammy Reardon, “our goal today in our beautiful Celebration Plaza in Downtown Sulphur Springs is to pause and remember friends and loved ones affected by Alzheimer’s disease and any of these other brain related illnesses.
We want to Thank everyone who sponsored the T-Shirts, bought t-shirts, donated money, gift cards, bought raffle tickets or donated money to the walk.

Thank you to the Quilt Guild for making and donating a beautiful quilt again this year for our Raffle. If you have not purchased a raffle ticket and would like to .. Please do so at this time. They are $1 each or $10 for 15 tickets,with the drawing at the end of the walk.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Don Waddle for providing the music and sound system for this morning, and Enola Gay Mathews of KSST Radio for being our emcee again this year.
We would like everyone to make at least 1 lap around the square together while we remember the ones we have lost and the ones who are currently dealing with this horrible disease.”
Following a word of prayer by FUMC Reverend Ed Lantz and the playing of the National Anthem, the Walk began with attendees making leisurely laps around the walking track of Celebration Plaza.
Tammy continued,”your generosity and compassion of the Terrific Tuesdays program will allow us to continue to serve those families in our community that are facing memory loss. We have surpassed our goal again this year for Fundraising!!! Every year a ‘Spirit Award’ is presented to the facility that was able to raise the most Money during the mini walk.
This year’s Spirit Award winner is :
And coming in as a close 2nd is :
THE SENIOR CENTER with raising over $2300.00
The Community Spirit Award is for the business that raised the most money.
This year the Community Spirit Award goes to:
SAPUTO $1000.00
Congratulations to these wonderful groups which will have Bragging Rights all year!
Raffle Winner of the Quilt is Pamela Johnson, a volunteer at Meal-a-Day. Pamela was not present because she was delivering her Meal-a-Day route to shut-in seniors! Seniors Center Director Karon Weatherman said she would take the quilt to Pamela.
As we conclude the 2021 “ A Walk To Remember” , I would like to say a special thank you to the City of Sulphur Springs for allowing us to utilize to this beautiful square for our walk. Thank you to local media for covering our event today.
Please make sure to visit all the information booths here to learn about the different services offered in this area.
Thank you to all those that made this walk a success!”