TWC: Thank You For Making Texas Thrive
AUSTIN — This Labor Day weekend, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) wants to recognize and pay tribute to the 14 million plus industrious Texans who are the backbone of our economy and the foundation of our state.
Our state’s population is skyrocketing because Texas has built a sturdy economic growth engine, and that attracts new residents and drives population growth. Our skilled workforce is the primary reason companies move to Texas every day and it’s also why our state’s economy is thriving.
We also want to recognize our Texas employers, who create new jobs every day. Our state’s ongoing achievement is linked to the innovation and competitiveness of our employers in a range of growing industries that provide workers with more opportunities to demonstrate their world-class skills.
Meanwhile, there is always more opportunity on the horizon. Texas has jobs and careers. Texas businesses continue to hire, with 714,800 jobs added between July 2020 and July 2021. For those in the market for their next career opportunity, TWC has the tools to help. You can check out open jobs in your area on TWC’s two employment search platforms, MyTxCareer.com and WorkInTexas.com.
But the Texas Workforce system offers more than just online jobs portals. TWC and the state’s 28 local workforce development boards – with over 180 plus Workforce Solutions offices statewide – provide access to job and training opportunities, as well as resources for employers. We work together because our Texas workforce is the engine of the Lone Star state economy.
Simply put, TWC is grateful for the contributions that Texas’ workers have made to help our state rebound strongly, and we want to thank you on this, your holiday. As you enjoy this time with loved ones, we thank you for helping to make Texas a place to be proud of—and the best place to live, work and do business.
Bryan Daniel, Chairman, Commissioner Representing the Public
Julian Alvarez, Commissioner Representing Labor
Aaron Demerson, Commissioner Representing Employers