District 2 Rept. Slaton Proposes Legislation That Addresses Abortion, End Of Life Rights, Chief Appraisers, Border Wall

AUSTIN, TEXAS – Representative Bryan Slaton of House District 2, over the last week has filed legislation that would, if passed, would abolish abortions in Texas, establish the chief appraiser as an elected position, finish building the wall on the Texas-Mexico border, ensure the right of individuals in hospitals and other facilities to be visited by their immediate family and religious clergy during their end of life care, and prohibit the Texas National Guard from being deployed into active duty combat or used as support for active duty combat without a declaration of war from Congress, according to releases from his office. Below are the basics of those proposed bills:

HB 2701 – National Guard

Slaton cited Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution for House Bill 2701, filed March 3, to prevent the Texas National Guard from being “deployed into harms way in unconstitutional ways.”

“The constitution is clear about when and how the United States can go to war. Sending troops into combat requires a declaration of war from Congress. Unfortunately, Congress has been shirking its duties for decades. It is time that Texas takes a stand against these unconstitutional wars, and keep our sons and daughters in the Texas National Guard from being sent into harms way, regardless of which political party controls the White House. Plus, if the last twelve months have taught us anything, it is that we need to keep the Texas National Guard here in Texas to help with things like COVID-19, vaccine distribution, and disaster recovery,” Representative Slaton commented.

Similar legislation has been filed in other states, including Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Michigan,
Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, West Virginia and
Wyoming, Slaton’s office noted in a press release.

“Texas is the only State where this is a Republican Party platform item, but even so, this is not a partisan issue. This is not a red versus blue issue. This is about safeguarding the men and women of the Texas National Guard and returning the burden of declaring war to Congress, where the Constitution requires it to be,” Slaton added.

HB 2729 – End of Life Visitation

HB 2729 is designed to ensure individuals in hospitals and other facilities have the right to be visited by their immediate family and religious clergy during their end of life care.

“Over the last year with COVID-19, we have seen many examples around the world of people at the end of their life who, because of government lockdowns or restrictive hospital or nursing home rules, have ben prohibited from seeing their close family and their religious and spiritual leaders. This is not just wrong, it is absolutely inhumane and a gross injustice to the dignity of the human person. This bill will ensure that no one will have to face their last weeks, days, or hours without the comfort of their immediate family, clergy or pastors,” Slaton said.

HB 2729 would prohibit immediate family and religious counsel from being barred access to individuals who are seriously ill or dying, while allowing necessary health screening protocols to be kept in place for the safety of all. Slaton’s office describes the bill as a “common sense piece of legislation that defends the value, respect, and religious liberty that is due to each person.”

HB 2862 – Border Wall

House Bill 2862, filed March 4, calls for completion of the Texas-Mexico border wall. Slaton contends that finishing the wall “would significantly curb the surging illegal immigration crisis” on Texas’ southern border.

“President Trump fought to bring real border security and was opposed by Republicans and Democrats in congress. While hundreds of miles of new wall were built under his leadership, the Biden administration has already ceased border wall construction. It is time for Texas to stand up and finish the work that President Trump started. Let’s finish building the border wall now,” Slaton said.

The bill also calls for the Governor to seek reimbursement from the federal government for construction costs and be named the “President Donald J. Trump Wall.”

HB 3171 – Chief Appraisers

House Bill 3171 would require chief appraisers to be an elected position chosen by the voters of the county in which the appraisal district is established, instead of being appointed by the appraisal district board of directors. As proposed, chief appraisers would be elected to serve four year terms, with the election held during the State’s General Election.

“With this bill, the people will be able to hold their chief appraiser accountable at the ballot box,” Slaton said. “For far too long, property owners across the State have seen rising property taxes with no end in sight. This bill will give voters a tool to help reign in runaway property taxes.”

HB 3326 – Abortion

On Tuesday, March 9, Slaton reported filing legislation that would, if passed, abolish abortions in the State of Texas. HB 3326 is designed to “end discriminatory practice of terminating the life of innocent children, and will guarantee the equal protection of the laws to all Texans.”

Slaton, citing the Declaration of Independence, noted in a news release that the primary job f governments is to “secure God-given rights, the principle among them being the right to life.”

“For decades, the State of Texas has allowed the discriminatory, barbaric and murderous practice of aborting
babies in the womb, and it must come to an end. It is time for Texas to protect the natural right to life for the
tiniest and most innocent Texans, and this bill does just that,” Representative Slaton said.

“It’s time Republicans make it clear that we actually think Abortion is murder. We have to lead, and the time is now. Unborn children are dying at a faster rate in Texas than COVID patients, but Texas isn’t taking the abortion crisis seriously,” Slaton concluded.

Similar legislation was filed in the 86th legislature. The bill was referred to the Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Committee, where it died, Slaton’s office noted in the release.

Author: KSST Contributor

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