Large fluffy snowflakes began falling along the I-30 area of Sulphur Springs, Texas about 1:30pm on Sunday January 10, 2021. Temperatures hovered around the freezing point through the day and into Sunday night. As the whirling snowflakes began to cover the ground and rooftops, it created a winter wonderland. The snow brought joy especially to children, as some of the youngest had not experienced a snowfall before! Even some young animals apparently also found delight in the phenomenon new to them. Snowman-building became a welcome activity across the county on Sunday afternoon. Residents enjoyed taking pictures of the pretty white landscape.
Thankfully, the Sulphur Springs area was not greatly affected by icy conditions or slick roads as Monday dawned, as the snow didn’t stick on roadways. Mostly, windshields had to be cleared before cars, trucks and school buses could safely hit the road during the morning hours. Sulphur Springs ISD buses ran a regular schedule, and only two schools which serve Hopkins County residents reported a change in schedule.Buses ran two hours late for Como-Pickton students and school began at 10am there. Also, Yantis ISD cancelled school for Monday. Apparently, the snowy conditions were more severe in counties south of Hopkins. Winnsboro and Quitman school districts in Wood County also cancelled school for Monday, and many school districts along and south of Interstate 20 also reported delays and cancellations as of early Monday morning.
Officially, Sunday’s snowfall measured 1.5 inches at the official reporting station, the City of Sulphur Springs Water Treatment Plant. The 1.5 inches of snow, when melted down, yielded a half-inch of moisture for Sunday January 10, 2021. The Water Treatment Plant’s daily measurement period runs from 7am the previous day til 7am the current day. Early-morning precipitation and temperature reports always reflect the previous day’s totals