Texas Department of State Health Services Nov. 6 reported another COVID-19 fatality has been confirmed for Hopkins County, while Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management in the Nov. 6 COVID-19 update reported 4 new cases and 21 recoveries. Sulphur Springs ISD also reported a dozen new cases Friday afternoon.
HC/SSEM Nov. 6 COVID-19 update
While the COVID-19 case count in Hopkins County rose by 4 cases to 31 for the week and 715 cumulatively since March, the active case count declined from 152 to 135 resident who currently have COIVD-19.
The 21 recoveries Friday make 40 Hopkins County residents who have recovered from COVID-19 this week and 580 who have recovered since March.

One less patient was reported to be in the COVID unit at CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital Sulphur Springs on Friday than the 16 reported Nov. 5.
HC/SSEM in the Nov. 6 COVID-19 update reported 97 positive COVID-19 antigen tests were received this week by Hopkins County residents tested at Hopkins County healthcare facilities.
That’s 33 more antigen positives from Oct. 31 to Nov. 6 than the week of Oct. 24-Oct. 3, but still 8 less than the week of Oct. 17-23 and 4 fewer than the week of Oct. 3-9. The fewest number of antigen positives reported in one week since county officials began reporting on positive antigen tests in September was 29 on Sept. 11, followed by 29 on Sept. 4 and 41 on Sept. 18. Cumulatively, since the first week in September, Hopkins County healthcare providers have reported county residents have received 632 positive COVID-19 antigen test results.
While positive COVID-19 results, antigen tests are not included in the official case counts reported Monday-Friday by HC/SSEM and daily by DSHS, nor will any of these individuals be counted among recoveries, according to the Local Health Authority and HC/SSEM.
Only molecular test results are included in the cumulative and active case totals and recoveries reported by county officials.
The free testing site at 128-A Jefferson Street performs oral swab molecular tests. On Thursday, 92 tests were performed the Jefferson Street location. That makes COVID-19 475 COVID-19 tests conducted over the last week and 2,778 since the drive-through testing location opened on Sept. 25, according to data provided by HC/SSEM in the Nov. 6 COVID-19 update.
The Jefferson Street COVID testing site is scheduled to remain open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays-Fridays and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays during November, HC/SSEM officials reported in the Nov. 6 COVID-19 update.
To book a test, go online to GoGetTested.com, select “Red Cross/old Fidelity Express — Texas Emergency Management building at 128-A Jefferson St. in Sulphur Springs” or other desired location, then, click Book Now, and follow the prompts.
Sulphur Springs ISD COVID-19 Update
Sulphur Springs ISD Assistant Superintendent Josh Williams sent notifications Friday afternoon of a dozen additional positive COVID-19 cases among staff and students at seven campuses and among district employees who have been on more than one campus in the last week.

Overall, 6 staff members had received positive COVID-91 results by Friday, one at Lamar Primary, one at Sulphur Springs Elementary, one at Barbara Bush Primary, one at Austin Academic Center and two district staff.
Six students had also received positive COVID-19 results as of Friday evening: three Sulphur Springs Middle School students, one Sulphur Springs High School student, one Barbara Bush Primary student and one Douglas ECLC student.
That makes 24 students and staff reported this week to have tested positive for the virus. Twelve positive lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases were also reported Monday, Nov. 2, among students and staff who were on five district campuses during the previous week: two students at Bowie Primary, three staff at Lamar Primary, two district employees, 1 staff and 1 student at Sulphur Springs Elementary, 1 staff and 1 student at Sulphur Springs Middle School, and 1 student at Sulphur springs High School.
DSHS Fatality Report
Texas Department of State Health Services reported 43 fatalities on Nov. 6, one more than on Nov. 5.
The most recent death confirmed for Hopkins County occurred on Oct. 31. That makes 24 COVID-19 deaths in October; that number could still grow as deaths reports are submitted to the state Vital Statistics office.
That means Hopkins County surpassed Wood County Friday in the number of assigned COVID-19 fatalities, with one more death in Hopkins to 42 in Wood County on Friday.
HHS Reports
Texas Health and Human Service reported Sulphur Springs Health and Rehab and Sunny Springs Nursing and Rehab each had 1 employee who had recovered from COVID-19 on Oct. 23, but another had tested positive for the virus at each facility as well. That leaves Sulphur Springs H&R with 1 active employee case and Sunny Springs with 17 active employee cases.
Carriage House Manor continued to have 1 active employee and 4 active residents COVID-19 cases on Oct. 23, HHS reported.

Two additional residents at Sulphur Springs Health and Rehab had also recovered from COVID-19 on Oct. 23, but two additional residents tested positive for COVID-19, so the active resident case count at the nursing facility continued to be eight on Oct. 23, according to the Nov. 6 HHS nursing facility report.
The only Rock Creek Health and Rehab resident who has had COVID-19, as of Oct. 23 had recovered from the virus. So there were no active COVID-19 cases at Rock Creek on Oct. 23, the most recent nursing facility data available on Nov. 6 from HHS.
Sunny Springs continued to have 18 active resident COVID-19 cases on Oct. 3, according to the Nov. 3 HHS nursing facility report.
There continued to be one active COVID-19 residents case at Wesley House on Oct. 23, according to the Nov. 6 HHS assisted living facility report.
There were no active COVID-19 cases among either employees or students at Hopkins County licensed child care center, school-age programs, and before- and after-school programs on Nov. 5, according to the HHS report.