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Hicks: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Reception

Johanna Hicks

By Johanna Hicks, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Family & Community Health Agent, Hopkins County

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Reception

               Greetings again from your Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office!  Wow, November got off to a busy start!  We just completed the 47th annual “Christmas Joys” holiday program.  This popular event was started by my predecessor, Janie Crump, and I have kept it going.  Even though it looked different this year (new location, face masks, spaces between chairs, etc.), we had a great time and feedback was very positive.  If you missed it and would like to have a copy of the booklet that contains all the recipes, instructions, and  ideas shared in the program, we have a few left over.  Drop by the Extension Office to get your copy for only $2 each.  We also have a few extra goody bags, so we’ll throw that in, too!

               Each year, our staff hosts a banquet to share our program impacts throughout the year, to recognize volunteers and committee members, and to honor our Extension Supporter of the Year.  Due to the pandemic, we had to think creatively to come up with an alternative to a sit-down banquet.  So, this year, we are hosting a come-and-go reception.  Here are the details:

  • What:  Come-and-go reception
  • Why: exhibits and info-graphics about Extension programming impacts in 2020
  • Where:  Texas A&M AgriLife Extension – Hopkins County Office, 1200 W. Houston, Sulphur Springs
  • When:  Thursday, November 19, 2020
  • Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
  • What we’ll do: recognize our Master Volunteers, Extension Supporter of the Year

Refreshments will be served. No reservation necessary – just show up! We’d love to visit with you. Our exhibits will focus on Family & Community Health, 4-H, and Ag & Natural Resources. Also, information about the upcoming training for those interested in becoming a Master Wellness Volunteer. Other upcoming opportunities will also be announced. Don’t miss it!

4-H Enrollment

We are pleased to announce that Hopkins County has a new 4-H Club this year!  Welcome to Cumby 4-H!  This is a school-based club focused on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), and those students will be involved with research-based projects and other exciting ventures. 

               4-H enrollment is open throughout the year, but for the most benefit, we encourage kids in grades 3-8 to enroll as early as possible.  Our 4-H year is from September 1 to August 31 annually.  The enrollment fee is $30.  Contact our office to find out how your child can be involved!  Membership includes the 4-H Gazette newsletter, which goes out 6 or more times per year.  Besides Cumby, we have 5 other clubs:  Miller Grove, Infinity, Paws (4th & 5th grade Sulphur Springs campus), Veterinary Science, and Equine club.  Contact us at 903-885-3443 to learn how to be part of this fantastic organization!


Closing Thought

Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected… The goal of resilience is to thrive. Jamais Cascio

— Contact Johanna Hicks, B.S., M.Ed., at Hopkins County AriLife Extension Office, P.O. Box 518, 1200-B West Houston St, Sulphur Springs, TX 75483; 903-885-3443; or [email protected]

Author: KSST Contributor

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