By Karon Weatherman, Director of Sulphur Springs Senior Citizens Ctr.
The Golden Agers Gift Tree will be up at the Senior Citizens Center by Monday, November 16th . If you would like to Adopt a Senior Citizen for a Christmas gift, please come by and choose a name off of the Tree. I wasn’t going to do a tree this year and then I thought that, of all the years, THIS YEAR is when the Seniors most need something Special in their lives! They’ve been hit hard by the COVID 19 Pandemic. We can each do something to brighten their Christmas. Please come and select a name off the tree and get ready to help! There are 130 names on the tree for 2020.
Each tag on the tree represents a senior citizen who receives meals through the Seniors Center. The tags specify the type of gifts the Senior needs or would like to receive. If you do choose a tag off of the tree, I ask that you please wait until at least December 7th before you start bringing the gifts back to the Center. Also, please have them wrapped or in a large gift bag with their name on the bags and packages, as I will have to keep them separated and organized until distribution. If you would like to deliver them yourself, you are more than welcome. If not, our Meal A Day Drivers will take them when they deliver their Lunches. PLEASE WEAR A MASK WHEN YOU COME IN TO THE SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER TO CHOOSE A NAME.
1. At the Seniors Center, choose a Senior off the Tree…
2. Cut the tab off of the bottom of the tag…
3. Write Your name where it says “Santa’s Helper” (you keep the ornament and the top of the tag which states all of the Information and their “Wish List”)…
4. AND put the tab in the shoe box before leaving the Seniors Center.
5. Next, shop and wrap your gifts.
6. Then, deliver the gifts between December 7 and December 18 EITHER TO THE ADDRESS ON THE TAG, OR by bringing the gifts back to the Senior Citizens Center between December 7th and the 18th.
You will bless and be blessed by participating in the Golden Agers Gift Tree!
Karon Weatherman, Program and Marketing Director, Senior Citizen’s Ctr,
150 Martin Luther King Blvd, Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482
(903) 885-1661