SSHS FFA Students Show Livestock at Texas State Fair; Do Meat/Fruit Fundraising

John Holland is Ag Teacher and FFA Advisor for the Sulphur Springs High School FFA Chapter. Livestock project showings began in mid-September. Currently, some students are showing their projects at the State Fair of Texas. This year, to ensure social distancing, some of those shows are being held at Fair Park in Dallas and some at Waco’s Heart of Texas fairgrounds. Here is Holland’s report on how Sulphur Springs FFA livestock projects have fared during September 2020, and news on the Chapter’s annual Meat, Fruit and Nut Fundraiser through October 6.

September 11th-12th Sulphur Springs FFA traveled to Four States Fair Livestock show in Texarkana, Arkansas. Do to COVID regulations they only allowed exhibitors, parents, and Advisors to enter the fair grounds. We had a great show. Jr. member Blaine Allen showed a Grey Brahman heifer he raised, Maurie Flecker showed 2 Beefmaster heifers that showed and placed very well, Coen Bell placed 2nd in Class with his Simmental heifer and 2nd place with his American Cross steer, and Cash Vititow won his class with his Red Brahman heifer. Savannah Allen showed a Polled Hereford and won 2 classes with her Grey Brahmans as well as winning Reserve Grand Champion Grey Brahman Heifer. 

Last week Braddox Rawson traveled to the State Fair of Texas Market Barrow show with his Duroc. He placed 6th in a class of 40! We are very grateful that the State Fair decided to have a market show so that the students could exhibit their animals that they have purchased and worked with from Spring until now.

Sept 22nd-Sept 26th Wayne Hinton, Robert Smith III, and Matti Smith traveled to Stillwater, Oklahoma to compete in the National Holstein and Jersey Dairy Show. Wayne showed 3 Holstein heifers, Robert showed 3 Holstein heifers and Matti showed 2 Holstein heifers as well. They all showed and placed well in big classes.

On Wednesday Sept 30th the Beef Heifer Show team traveled to Waco, Tx to compete in the Heart of Texas Fair as well as the United Show (The United is a collaborative show between the Heart of Texas Fair and State Fair of Texas; organizers wanted to find a way to have a show so that the students would not miss out on a year at the State Fair). Our FFA showed on Friday and Saturday and then will return home late on October 3. 

In addition to the showing we do have students selling FFA Meat, Cookies, and Fruit until October 6th. So, if you are wanting to buy something reach out to a Sulphur Springs FFA member and they will be glad to tell you more about it. 

Author: Enola Gay

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