Greetings from HCHS,
We will be conducting our October meeting virtually, via Zoom, hosted by the Texas State Genealogical Society. It will be held, as usual, on the third Thursday of the month, October 15, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.
Registration will be required, as there is a limitation to the number of participants. Also, we will need you to register so that we can provide you with the link you will need to join the meeting. We ask that you register as far in advance as possible! THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS! MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS ALIKE ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE. The link, and instructions, will be emailed to you on Wednesday evening, October 14, 2020.
Please send your name, telephone number and email address to [email protected] or call (903)885-8523 and leave the same information.
Ari Wilkins, a graduate of Louisiana State University, has been actively researching family history since 1998. She is the owner of the genealogical consulting company, Black Genesis.
Ms. Wilkins has spoken nationally and at local societies. She has been a Library Associate at Dallas Public Library since 2007. She teaches a series of basic research classes using popular genealogical websites. She specializes in African American research. Presentation – “Black and White Southern Families in Southern Plantation Records.”
The Antebellum Southern Plantation Records can offer multifaceted views into many white and African American Southern families. This resource documents families’ personal and business correspondence, conditions of plantation life (including the elusive names of slaves and descriptions of slave relationships), and much more. Learn about the genealogical value of the Southern Antebellum Plantation Records – how they are organized, how to search the collection, and apply it towards your genealogical research. The case studies will highlight the personal documents of a white Southern family and the indirect documentation of an African American family.