Special Use Permit Sought for West Industrial Drive Communication Tower
The City of Sulphur Springs’ Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct public hearings for 2 rezoning proposals and 1 special use permit request.
One hearing will focus on the proposed rezoning of a 10.84-acre tract of property generally located at the corner of Spence and Fisher Streets from heavy commercial to single family attached.

Another hearing will be for the proposed rezoning of city-owned former Luminant/Thermo mine property, located between State Highway 11 east and FM 1870, which was previously annexed into the city. The 4,857-acre property, identified in Ordinance 2763, is proposed to be zoned as heavy industrial.
In related activity, Community Development Director Tory Niewiadomski presented on first reading aththe Sulphur Springs City Council meeting a proposed ordinance which established the 4,857-acre coal mine property as a commercial-industrial reinvestment zone. Establishing a reinvestment district would allow the city to issue time-limited tax abatements on properties within the district if substantial enhancements or upgrades are made to the property in the area that help promote economic development in the city. This would serve as placeholder help initiate investment potential. Approving the reinvestment zone would not, however, guarantee issuance of a tax abatement; it would simply give the city the ability to grant one if desired in the future, city officials noted at the Sept. 1 meeting.
The third public hearing scheduled during the Sept. 21 P&Z Commission meeting is for a request for a special use permit to allow a 150-foot self-supported wireless communications tower to be constructed at 1212 West Industrial Drive (683 Gossett Lane).
The P&Z Commission meeting will be conducted virtually. Information on how the public can participate in the public hearings will be announced during the meeting, which is slated to begin at 6 p.m. Monday.
The public link to watch the meeting on the City of Sulphur Springs Meetings YouTube page is: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8CxjG8pt3Cn8DDMgg0xr8g