Several county schools have posted notifications regarding additional cases of COVID-19 among employees and students.

Como-Pickton CISD as of the last campus update reported there were 4 active student cases and one active staff cases. Fourteen students and two staff members who tested positive for COVID-19 have recovered and returned to classes/work.
Cumby ISD has posted no new cases since Aug. 20. Both students who tested positive should already be back at school.
Miller Grove has posted no updates since Aug. 31. The superintendent at that time reported three students had tested positive for COVID-19. One of the students was already in quarantine before their diagnosis, a second had not been at school since exposure and the third student was at school but did not exhibit any symptoms while present.
One junior high student who was present on the North Hopkins ISD campus on Sept. 3 was reported to have tested positive for COVID-19.
Saltillo ISD has not reported any additional COVID-19 cases since Aug. 24 at that campus. One student reportedly tested positive on Aug.; 24 and one school employee on Aug. 12.
Sulphur Bluff ISD, as of the last update on the district chart listing of cases, reported 2 active student cases and 1 active employee case. Four students were also reported to have recovered and returned to school.
Yantis ISD on Sept. 10 reported an elementary student had tested positive for COVID-19; the student was last on campus Sept. 9. On Aug. 30, a staff member that’d been on campus through Aug. 25 was reported to have tested positive for COVID-19.
School District Student Cases
(active/recovered, if reported)Employee Cases
(active/recovered, if reported)Como-Pickton 4/14 1/2 Cumby 2 0 Miller Grove 3 0 North Hopkins 1 0 Saltillo 1 1 Sulphur Bluff 2/4 1 Yantis 1 1