A suspicious activity report resulted in a vehicle pursuit from a Gilmer Street car wash in Sulphur Springs to Interstate 30 in Cumby, according to arrest reports.

Sulphur Springs Police were initially dispatched to a report of suspicious activity at a Gilmer Street car wash, where a man was reportedly seen touching himself in an inappropriate manner in the business parking lot.
Upon arrival in the area, police observed a white Chevrolet Silverado pulling out of the parking lot. The vehicle fit the description of the one the man was reported to be in. The driver continued from Kyle Street onto Gilmer Street at a high rate of speed. Sulphur Springs Police Officer Francisco Castro and Sgt. Brandon Mayes attempted to stop the truck. The motorist allegedly continued driving at high rates of speed onto Gilmer Street, disregarded the stop light at Bill Bradford Road and Gilmer Street, then drove through the parking lot of an auto parts business onto Lee Street. The man allegedly drove the pickup through stop signs and intersections at recklessly high rates of speed, before eventually getting onto Interstate 30 and continuing west toward Cumby.
Cumby police put down tire spikes, which he ran over at mile marker 112 on I-30. The truck reportedly continued to the 110 exit and into the parking lot of a package store before stopping. The driver, identified in arrest reports as Bobby Lee Wall Jr., was reportedly on the phone at the time of stop. The 34-year-old Farmersville man was ordered out of the pickup and taken into custody by Mayes and Castro at 1:12 p.m. August 31, on an evading arrest or detention with a vehicle charge, according to arrest reports.
He remained in Hopkins County jail Tuesday morning, Sept. 1; bond on the felony evading charge was set at $15,000, according to jail reports.
According to Texas Department of Public Safety records, Bobby Lee Wall Jr. is a registered sex offender. Wall was convicted of indecency with a child, a 7-year-old female victim, by sexual contact and is required to register as a sex offend annually for life.