By Johanna Hicks, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Family & Community Health Agent, Hopkins County

Texas has more than 55,000 youth involved in the 4-H experience each year, and the enrollment process for the 2020/2021 year is now open. We have been receiving calls from families who are interested in registering their youth.
First, here’s a little information about 4-H:
4-H is a national organization which helps young people develop life-long knowledge and skills to become engaged citizens. 4-H is truly a model of the “learning by doing” teaching concept. It reaches people in their own communities with delivery methods suitable to their needs. 4-H also helps to provide opportunities for families and communities to develop stronger bonds. The 4-H program is a voluntary, non-formal, educational program offered to all youth regardless of race, color, national origin, residence, or handicap.
The Texas 4-H and Youth Development Program is conducted by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, which is a part of the Texas A&M University System. County and district 4-H programs are directed by Extension staff that also provides training and support to volunteers who work with 4-H members. The Texas 4-H and Youth Development Program serves youth in all 254 counties in Texas. Young people in 4-H learn about citizenship, leadership, foods and nutrition, healthy lifestyles, veterinary science, shooting sports, horticulture, agriculture, and other subjects.
The four “H’s” are explained in the organization’s pledge:
I pledge

My Head to clearer thinking,
My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger service and
My Health to better living for
My club, my community,
My country and my world.
Who are 4-H members?
You might hear that 4-H is for kids who live on farms. Not true! There are 4-H clubs all over the country with members who have never seen a cow or a chicken!
Today’s 4-H’ers are boys and girls between third and 12th grades.
How much does it cost?
4-H has a participation costs of $25 (before Nov. 1 of each year) to $30 (November 1st and after) to join. Some projects might cost something to get started— like, if you want to do photography, you’ll need a camera and money to get pictures developed.
To register, go to and follow the on-screen instructions. New members will need to set up a family profile. Returning members do not need to set up a new profile – simply review and update the information. Be sure the e-mail address you submit is accurate because this is one way you will receive information. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Hopkins County office of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service at 903-885-3443. We’ll be glad to assist!