Tire Town’s Owner Mike Gilmer Up for 40th Year
Mike stated that he came to Sulphur Springs in 1981 when he was hired at a tire store, at that time located along Gilmer Street in Sulphur Springs. “Tire Town was located across the street from the old Price Ford dealership, and very near Quicky Food Store. After that, the business was moved to the old Exxon station location, which was on the Interstate service road and right where Chick-Fil-A is now. We were there for many years but we outgrew it. We were happy when we made the move to Oak Avenue. This area of town has built up in recent years, and more retail spaces are eventually going to be developed along here. Sulphur Springs is growing”.
Enola asked Mike how long he had been a KSST advertiser. “I guess since about Year One. I began advertising in 1985 when I became sole owner of the business. KSST was the hometown station, carried Paul Harvey and the Wildcat games, and the entire county listened to it. My messages were heard by just about everyone during any given week, business was good and our location was excellent. Even today, I like to voice my own ads. In time, our tire shop location was sold and so we moved closer to downtown, where we are now. In 2021, I will have been in the tire business in Sulphur Springs for 40 years. This community has brought us many loyal customers. I’ve seen lots of changes in the automobile and tire industries. And yes, I am willing to sell the franchise and am actually seeking the right buyer. Sulphur Springs has been good to Bonnie and me, but I’d kind of like to try retirement before too long. I actually chose Sulphur Springs to move to, so I could fish. But I haven’t done much fishing yet!” Here’s a shout out to the good work being done by Tire Town and Mike Gilmer!