Second Coronavirus Case Reported At Cumby ISD
At least five school districts in Hopkins County have report a confirmed COVID-19 case among either a student or staff member. Como-Pickton CISD and Sulphur Bluff ISD Monday were the latest to join that list, and Cumby ISD has reported a second student case of COVID-19.
Sulphur Bluff ISD
On Aug. 24, Sulphur Bluff ISD Superintendent Dustin Carr posted a letter notifying the “Sulphur Bluff Bear Family” that one student who had been on campus had tested positive for COVID-19. The district was notified Monday afternoon. The student was last reported to have been on campus on Friday, Aug. 21.

According to Carr, “the local health department has begun a case investigation and along with our Principals will contact any individuals determined to be in close contact with the positive tested student. Those that were in close contact will remain off campus for up to 14 days to ensure they do not have the virus and reduce the chance of spread.”
Carr reports that the SBISD “custodial staff are conducting additional cleaning and sanitizing this evening to ensure all areas of instruction are safe for return of students.”
Families are asked to continue to watch for potential COVID-19 symptoms and self-screen daily before returning to school. Anyone exhibiting symptoms is encouraged to let the school know and contact their physician.
Questions or concerns may be addressed by calling 903-945-2560.
Como-Pickton CISD
CPCISD Superintendent Greg Bower Monday afternoon, Aug. 24, reported the district was notified Sunday night that one high school student has tested positive for COVID-19.

“Though the student has not been in attendance at school since August 18th, we began contacting parents of students who we believe to have been in ‘close contact’ with the student within the last several days of his attendance. We have already contacted those parents and sent them home for self-quarantine. We believe that the exposure was limited and that the rest of our students are safe to remain at school,” Dr. Bower wrote in a letter written to the “Como-Pickton CISD Family.”
The school maintenance and custodial staff “are doing extensive cleaning and sanitizing of all areas of the campus to make sure that we are providing a safe place for our students to learn,” the letter posted around 3 p.m. Aug. 24 stated.
CPCISD parents are asked to continue daily self-screening of their children before sending them to school. If they are displaying any of the COVID-19 symptoms, parents are asked not to send the child to school but to consult a physician.
Any who feels they may have been exposed to COVID-19 visit are encouraged to go online to to register for a free oral COVID-19 test. Tests are being conducted at Hopkins County Regional Civic Center Monday-Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the next week.
School related questions may be directed to the child’s campus principal at 903-488-3671.
Cumby ISD
Cumby ISD was the first district to official announce a confirmed case for the district.

Students were told Aug. 10 that athletic practices and activities had been canceled until Aug. 24 due to reports of symptoms among players at practice. On Aug. 11, Superintendent Shelly Slaughter reported one Cumby ISD student who was on campus on Aug. 7 had received a lab-confirmed positive COVID-19 result. Notification about the positive test was posted on the district website and sent to CISD families. That high school student is expected to return to campus on Aug. 24, provided the youth recovers on schedule.
The district is now reporting that another high school student has tested positive for COVID-19. The student tested positive on Aug. 20 and expected to return to campus Sept. 2, provide the students recovers on schedule.
Slaughter reports school officials are closely monitoring cases of COVID-19 and all recommendations to keep our students and staff safe are being followed.
Concerns or questions regarding Cumby ISD health protocols may be directed to school Nurse Juliana Osornio, [email protected] or 903243-7077.
Sulphur Springs ISD
Sulphur Springs ISD Assistant Superintendent Josh Williams Friday, Aug. 14, confirmed five district staff have tested positive for coronavirus since March. One staff member was on campus before finding out the individual had it earlier that week.

SSISD implemented the COVID-10 mitigation plan protocols upon notification, including cleaning areas where the infected staff member was at. SSISD is also working closely with the LHA to track, trace and appropriately respond to the situation per recommended guidelines and school policy.
For four of the five individuals who have been exposed to or had COVID-19, the virus is “in the their rear view mirror.”
Williams said all recommended and potential steps are taken to minimize potential spread of COVID-19 at SSISD schools, including frequent sanitizing, cleaning, hand-washing, masks and social distancing.
SSISD’s 10-page COVID-19 mitigation plan, accessible from the main page of the district website (, outlines procedures if someone is exposed to, tests positive for or exhibits symptoms of COVID-19, as well as the procedures for notification and criteria which must be met in order to be allowed to return to school.
Saltillo ISD
Saltillo ISD administrators, on Thursday, Aug. 13, on the district website reported they’d received notified on Aug. 12, that a district employee had tested positive for COVID-19.

According to the Saltillo ISD release, the employee who tested positive last worked on the Saltillo ISD campus on Aug. 6. The employee did not have contact with students or non-district employees while on campus.
The area in which the employee worked was deeply sanitized.
“The District continues to monitor this situation and will provide additional information as needed. We hope for a successful recovery for our Saltillo I.S.D. staff member,” Saltillo ISD administrators noted in the post.