Como-Pickton Will Hold Senior Graduation Within Guidelines at the Stadium

Como-Pickton will hold senior graduation as scheduled, on May 22 at 7:30 p.m. at the stadium. However, the high school seniors will be limited in the number of guests they are allowed to have at the live ceremony.

Como-Pickton CISD Eagle logo

The commencement exercise will follow the strict guidelines outlined by the state, in keeping with protocols in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Each graduating senior will only be allowed to have five guests, who will be screened prior to entering the graduation area. Guests will be seated in an area of the stands that allows for the six feet social distancing guidelines between their family and others. Guests will not be allowed to congregate on the field after the ceremony, in keeping with the state guidelines.

The CPHS senior graduation video project will continue May 9-15 as scheduled. All seniors are asked to arrive on the date and time Como-Pickton High School Principal Kelly Baird assigned to them, for filming requirements. Seniors have been 10 minutes to arrive, film, take pictures, and exit, CPCISD Superintendent Greg Bower reported when announcing the planned video project. Students, however, have been instructed to arrive about 30 minutes early, in case videoing runs ahead of schedule The video will be made available to the community the day after our graduation for all of those who won’t be able to attend our live ceremony.

Graduation cap

Unfortunately, the tradition of seniors delivering roses during a portion of the graduation won’t be observed this year during graduation. However, Superintendent Bower encourages seniors to participate in a virtual rose ceremony on Facebook or Instagram May 22, prior graduation. Seniors can then tag the person they are dedicating their rose to and include the hashtag – #EaglePride247Rose so that all who care to can view the dedications, as they would have during the ceremony.

Author: KSST Contributor

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