A Local Crisis: Is Everyone Doing All They Can?

April 4, 2020 By: Chad Young

According to the Texas Department of Health & Human Services, the number of positive tests of COVID-19 continue to increase in counties across Texas, and some counties close to Hopkins County are recording their first positive test results. Lamar county, was the first county closest to Hopkins county to report the first positive case over a week ago, and now that county has five confirmed positive cases returned for residents in their county. Wood county and Titus county are now both reporting their first confirmed cases in their respective areas. Only neighboring Rains county and Delta county have yet to have a positive test result returned for any of their residents. It is difficult to discern how many, if any, tests have been performed on residents from each county, and how long the tests are taking to be returned for our neighbors. It is important to know, that Rockwall county cases have jumped to 11, according to the latest state data, and Smith county (Tyler) has 57 positive cases, while Hopkins county increases to 4 positive cases. The cases will continue to grow in numbers and severity.

It is only a matter of time, when we will see positive cases in every county of Texas, and sadly this world-wide pandemic will prove deadly closer to home sooner than we think. As our county officials continue to work around the clock in making the best decisions to keep our residents safe, it is still up to each individual to take these warnings more seriously than ever. The current order from our county government officials and the state authorities is to Stay Safe – Stay At Home. This situation become more serious every day, and if everyone would believe that and heed the warnings, our community will come out of this quicker and healthier.

The FACTS about COVID-19 that we currently know:

  • It is FAR more contagious than anything we have ever experienced.
  • People of ANY age can HAVE it and SPREAD it even though they do not show any symptoms.
  • For a some of our friends and family, contracting the virus has a much HIGHER risk of DEATH.
  • We ALL have a responsibility to follow the warnings and mandates of our county officials, it could truly be a matter of LIFE and DEATH.

Every person in our community can help stop the spread, and flatten the curve of this pandemic. Every person in our community NEEDS to help. Think of it this way; if we ALL stayed home for two weeks, and no one ever left their house, or went to work, or to the grocery store, this virus would have NO chance to spread and the majority of our residents, friends, and neighbors would be healthier and safer because of it. Now, I realize that this is impossible, but now think of it this way: what if we TRIED to get as close to the previous example as possible, only sending one family member to the grocery store, with a limited number of visits, and practicing better social distancing when going to work at essential jobs. Continue with not getting together with friends, continue using the take-out and delivery options of local restaurants, and eliminate non-essential trips of any kind. In short, what if everyone did everything they could (and what is recommended) by staying away from other people as MUCH as possible? Sounds like to me that we could be a safer and healthier community. But in the immortal words of Bill Bradford, I am not asking you to think LIKE me, I am asking you to think WITH ME.


Author: Chad Young

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