Kids Fishing Day: Great Weather, Great Turnout at Peavine Pinion Pond

Feb 10, 2021 – Dozens of kids and their families showed up to catch trout during the annual Larry Buster Memorial Kids Fishing Day at Peavine Pinion Pool on Saturday February 8, 2020. Sponsoring organizations and businesses as well as volunteers made the day possible. Texas Parks and Wildlife had stocked the pond with young trout a few weeks prior to the event. A good number of bass were also caught.

Local volunteers from the National Wild Turkey Federation and local Kiwanis Club members were on site preparing hot dogs for the young anglers. Jimmy Reardon of JDRfishing Adventures personally assisted most of the youngsters through the morning. A registration table allowed each youngster an information packet about fishing as well as a sign-up for prizes. Giveaway of 70 rod and reel prizes was sponsored by volunteers and local individuals who just wanted to help keep this amazing Spring event going for kids in the community.

Each young fisherman received a Kid Fish fun packet. Those who did not bring fishing equipment had access to free use of rod and reel as well as bait, which was whole kernel corn. The fishing pond, located in Buford Park near downtown Sulphur Springs, was named for Clovis “Peavine” Pinion, a KSST Radio employee who sponsored a daily Hunting and Fishing Show on the air for over 40 years. Pinion loved to help kids learn the enjoyment of fishing which often led to a lifelong hobby. His slogan was “Go fishing! Every day you fish adds a day to your life!”.

Fishing guide Jimmy Reardon of JDR Fishing Adventures non-profit gladly volunteered his time to help kids learn to fish
Some fished from the bridge and pier and others from the grassy banks surrounding the pond. Several bass were caught as well as trout.

Author: Enola Gay

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