In a news release from Band Director Richard Shanks, two students of the Bright Star Christian School in Hopkins County have qualified for positions in the 2020 4-States Honors Band. Valerie Jenkins and Brianne Jenkins joined with other students from Texas as well as Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana in try-outs for the honor of being selected. Now, those who were selected will play in one or more of the 4-States Concert Band, Jazz Band and Symphonic Bands. Rehearsals are now going on under the baton of a University Band Conductor for a total of fourteen hours of instruction. The first concert of 2020 will be held on Saturday January 18, 2020 at 2pm.
Valerie and Brianne are daughters of April and Thomas Jenkins of Cumby. This is the sisters’ second year to be named to the 4-States Honors Band. Bright Star Christian School, a private school offering religious instruction, is located at 8757 Highway 11 East in Hopkins County near Como, Texas.