Former Annuity Board (now GuideStone Financial Resources) president Darold H. Morgan passed away Dec.11. He was 95.
Morgan served as president of the Annuity Board from March 1, 1972, until his retirement March 1, 1990, when he was succeeded by Paul W. Powell, who died in December 2016.
“Darold Morgan was a trusted adviser and friend, and I loved him like a father,” said GuideStone President O.S. Hawkins. “Darold oversaw many activities that continue to benefit GuideStone and our participants to this day: The relocation of our offices to our former building that served as our home for three decades and the creation of the Church Alliance, a broad coalition of large and historic denominational pension boards who can advocate together across political and theological boundaries for the benefit of more than one million pastors and church workers, are just two such examples.
“Our prayers are with his family during these days celebrating his life and rejoicing in his having seen the face of his Lord in Glory.”
Morgan was born on Aug. 5, 1924, in Coffeyville, Kan. He held a bachelor of arts degree from Hardin-Simmons University (1944), a master of theology (1947), doctor of theology (1953) and a doctor of philosophy (1982) from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He also conducted post-doctoral studies at Oxford University and the University of Oklahoma.
Prior to serving as Annuity Board president, Morgan had served as pastor of Cliff Temple Baptist Church in Dallas (1966-1971); Hunter Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Ala., (1962-1966); First Baptist Church of Sherman, Texas, (1958-1962); First Baptist Church of Sulphur Springs, Texas, (1953-1958); and First Baptist Church of Bonham, Texas, (1950-1953). Prior to those pastorates, he served several rural churches in various capacities.
Throughout his tenure and into his retirement, Morgan served in a variety of areas in Southern Baptist denominational life. He was an active member and Bible study teacher at the Dallas-area First Baptist Church of Richardson.
Morgan is survived by his children, Tim Morgan of Dallas, Marshall Morgan of Odessa, Texas, and Julie Reynolds of Celeste, Texas. He was preceded in death by his wife Elizabeth in 2015.
A memorial service was scheduled for 2 p.m. Dec. 16 at First Baptist Church of Richardson, Texas, 1001 N. Central Expressway, Richardson, Texas, 75080.