United Way Final Tally

Mike Jumper, Hopkins County United Way Board President, and Beverley and Bill Owens, 2019-2020 Campaign Chairmen, want to thank each business and individual that made contributions to the 2019- 2020 Campaign. Final pledges total $189,410.13, well above the goal of 165,000.00, making this one of the most successful Campaigns in the history of Hopkins County United Way. Every single donation is greatly appreciated, and Hopkins County United Way looks forward to helping support twenty non-
profits in 2020 that serve people in Hopkins County.

Pictured in photo, left to right, some Board members and some of the many campaign volunteers: Tim Glenn, Chris Voorheese, Mike Jumper, Bill Owens, Beverley Owens, Debra Evans, Tammy Pearson, Layla Highfield, Amy Griggs, and Sherry McGraw.

United Way
2019 Campaign Chairs Bill and Beverly Owens

Author: Chad Young

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