‘History By Foot’ Tour is a Long-Running Tradition of Downtown Business Alliance

John Sellers organizes the latest participants in ‘History by Foot”

On Saturday, local historian John Sellers led a group of more than 25 persons interested in learning more about the history of downtown Sulphur Springs. This is the 18th walking history tour he has organized for the Downtown Business Alliance since 2011. After the initial stop at the Hopkins County Courthouse, Sellers led the group northward to points of interest on Church Street and Houston Street. The tour concluded with a peek inside a downtown apartment currently being renovated by Sellers and his wife Kim, which overlooks the square and offers “the best view of the Courthouse” of anywhere downtown! The DBA tours are usually held twice per year, in the Spring and in the Fall, for a fee of $10 per participant. Proceeds are used by DBA toward expenses for the many events it sponsors year round, including the Christmas Tree Lighting and Visit with Santa coming up on Friday December 6. The final DBA event of the year will be the “Ladies Night Out” festive shopping event at downtown merchant shops on December 19, 2019 from 5:30 til 7:30 pm.

Author: Enola Gay

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