It started 28 years ago, after KSST owners Bill and Patsy Bradford branched out to include local television, with KSST Cable Channel 18 . Kelly Bradford Grimes and her husband Dwayne Grimes, longtime KSST Program Director, came up with the idea and pitched the fundraising concept to the Sulphur Springs Symphony League which they were members of. The offer was quickly accepted and that same year, in the Autumn of 1991, a team of volunteer workers, guest auctioneers, phone operators and delivery drivers put on the first ever 6-hour monster-size event! Bidders at home called on their land lines to place bids, they watched the live studio action on their living room TV set, and they listened to the radio through the night to see if they were top bidder on the dozens of choice items! Although today we have more conveniences, like using cell phones, viewing items online and streaming the action on, it should be a very exciting night for bidders as well as a successful one for the League. Plan to tune in starting at 5pm and place bids on your favorite Christmas-themed items, trips and stays, and gift cards from favorite eateries and shops. You will also need to know the phone number, 903-885-0700, for placing bids by phone on Auction night.

League President Sharla Campbell and League Secretary Maleta Reynolds explained that it takes the annual Auction, League membership fees and sponsorships to bring in funds needed for providing art, music and cultural experiences which enhance the lives of the public and especially the children of the Sulphur Springs and Hopkins County community. Fundraising dollars are applied to provide an annual Children’s Concert for elementary-age youngsters, a Dallas Opera performance for Middle Schoolers, and the Independence Symphony Orchestra Concert each summer for everyone in downtown Sulphur Springs. If you would like to become a member or sponsor of the Northeast Texas Symphony League, please contact Sharla Campbell at 903-243-8388.