Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Wildcats Team Tennis Plays Practice Match at Home Against Royse City on Monday

Wildcats Team Tennis has a practice match with Royse City on this Monday (September 30) game day. The Wildcats will be taking on the Bulldogs beginning at 3:30 p.m. at the Wildcat Tennis Center. The Bulldogs have put a team together although too late to play a district schedule. The Wildcats completed their district schedule last Monday with a 1-0 forfeit from Mount Pleasant. The Wildcats finished district play in third place with a 2-2 record. They are 6-11 for the season but they have won their last two matches. After another playoff warm up on October 8 at Anna, the Wildcats are scheduled to face a solid Jacksonville team in first round bi-district playoffs on October 15. Jacksonville defeated the Wildcats in a Whitehouse tournament back on August 15. Since then the Wildcats have won five of their last eight matches.

Sulphur Springs Wildcats
Sulphur Springs Wildcats

Author: Matt Janson

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