Feb 14, 2019 – Micheal and Donna Mollenhour were involved in an investigation by Child Protective Services and the Sulphur Springs Special Crimes Unit for methamphetamine. The investigation revealed that a 10-month old had been exposed to methamphetamine and that both parents also tested positive for meth.
When arrested, a quantity of methamphetamine was found in the bra area of the mother, Donna, during book-in. It was also found that Michael had traffic warrants. Both are in Hopkins County Jail.

Donna Rae Mollenhour, 38, is charged with Abandon/Endanger Child and with Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1, less than 1-gram. She is held on bonds totaling $20,000.

Micheal Dwayne Mollenhour, 44, is charged with Endangering a Child and the traffic warrants. He is being held on a $10,000 bond.