Wood County Sheriff’s Report October 10, 2018 to October 16, 2018 includes: Disturbance: 5; Thefts: 7; Burglaries: 1; Terroristic Threats: 1; Criminal Mischief’s: 2; Inquests: 1; Suspicious Circumstances: 1; Suspicious Vehicles: 4; Suspicious Persons: 4; Alarms: 8; Harassments: 2; Criminal Trespasses: 7; Scams: 0; Frauds: 0; Abandoned Vehicles: 0; Cows Out: 14; Horses Out: 3; Welfare Checks: 3; Assaults: 1; Dog Bites: 0; Fires: 0; Noise Complaints: 0; Disputes: 1; Arrest/Warrant Services: 21; Reckless Drivers: 2; Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle: 1; Shots Fired: 0; Other: Traffic Stop (1)
October 10th
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to PR 5656 near Alba; at approximately 12:06 a.m. Rene Garcia, 20, of Alba, was arrested for an outstanding warrant.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to FM 2088 near Winnsboro; at approximately 1:15 a.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to make contact with the individual.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to FM 312 near Winnsboro; at approximately 1:41 a.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to make contact with the individual.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to Floyd St. in Winnsboro; at approximately 2:05 a.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to make contact with the individual.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to Francis St. in Hawkins; at approximately 2:58 a.m. Bobby Green, Jr., 36, of Hawkins, was arrested for an outstanding warrant.
Deputies were dispatched to PR 7869 near Hawkins, at approximately 8:51 a.m., in reference to an inquest. A male, 75, of Hawkins, was found deceased in his residence. The Justice of the Peace arrived and no autopsy was ordered.
Deputies spoke with the reporting party, at approximately 11:17 a.m., in reference to criminal trespass that occurred on CR 2146 near Quitman. Deputies gave the reporting party advice and cleared the incident.
At 12:21 p.m., cows were reported out on CR 4700 near Winnsboro.
Deputies were dispatched to FM 1254 near Mineola, at approximately 1:09 p.m., in reference to theft. Actors, or actors unknown, stole several items from the reporting party’s property. This case has been forwarded to investigators.
At 1:16 p.m., horses were reported out on FM 1795 near Hawkins.
Deputies were dispatched to FM 1795 near Hawkins, at approximately 4:12 p.m., in reference to an alarm. Deputies checked the building and it was secure.
Deputies were dispatched to HWY 80 near Mineola, at approximately 7:47 p.m., in reference to criminal trespass. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to locate the individual.
Deputies responded to a suspicious vehicle on FM 17 near Yantis; at approximately 11:32 p.m. Deputies located the vehicle and everything was OK.
October 11th
Deputies were dispatched to FM 14 near Quitman, at approximately 2:28 a.m., in reference to criminal trespass. Deputies spoke with all parties involved and cleared the incident.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to Dairy Queen in Quitman; at approximately 12:42. Alyssa Bussell, 24, of Quitman, was arrested for outstanding warrants.
At 2:04 p.m., cows were reported out on FM 312 near Winnsboro.
Deputies spoke with the reporting party, at approximately 3:06 p.m., in reference to theft that occurred on CR 3940 near Hawkins. Deputies gave the reporting party advice and cleared the incident.
At 4:32 p.m., cows were reported out on HWY 37 near Quitman.
Deputies were dispatched to CR 2118 near Quitman, at approximately 7:45 p.m., in reference to criminal trespass. Casey Curry, 36, of Quitman, was arrested for Criminal Trespass.
Deputies were dispatched to CR 3220 near Quitman, at approximately 8:35 p.m., in reference to an assault that occurred. Celina Durst, 41, of Quitman, was arrested for Assault Causes Bodily Injury Family Violence.
October 12th
Deputies were dispatched to HWY 37 near Quitman, at approximately 8:12 a.m., in reference to a reckless driver. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to locate the vehicle.
At 8:36 a.m., cows were reported out on FM 515 near Winnsboro.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to CR 2267 near Mineola; at approximately 8:55 a.m. Greysen Anderson, 21, of Mineola, was arrested for outstanding warrants.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to FM 14 near Hawkins; at approximately 10:05 a.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to make contact with the individual.
At 10:23 a.m., cows were reported out on CR 1210 near Quitman.
Deputies were dispatched to FM 515 near Alba, at approximately 10:25 a.m., in reference to a theft. Actors, or actors unknown, stole two depth finders from the reporting party’s boat. This case has been forwarded to investigators.
Deputies spoke with the reporting party, at approximately 10:29 a.m., in reference to criminal trespass that occurred on FM 2966 near Yantis. Deputies gave the reporting party advice and cleared the incident.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to Blackburn St. in Hawkins; at approximately 11:01 a.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to make contact with the individual.
At 11:04 a.m., cows were reported out on FM 17 near Alba.
Deputies spoke to the reporting party, at approximately 1:29 p.m., in reference to harassment that occurred on CR 4890 near Winnsboro. Deputies gave the reporting party advice and cleared the incident.
Deputies spoke with the reporting party, at approximately 2:18 p.m., in reference to harassment that occurred on CR 1227 near Quitman. Deputies gave the reporting party advice and cleared the incident.
Deputies were dispatched to Loop 564 near Mineola, at approximately 2:22 p.m., in reference to a dispute. Deputies spoke with all parties involved and cleared the incident.
Deputies were dispatched to CR 2950 near Mineola, at approximately 3:31 p.m., in reference to a disturbance. Summer Barnhart, 22, of Mineola, was arrested for Burglary of Habitation and Injury to Child/Elderly/Disabled with Intent to Cause Bodily Injury.
Deputies responded to a suspicious vehicle on FM 2869 near Winnsboro; at approximately 4:00 p.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to locate the vehicle.
Deputies spoke with the reporting party, at approximately 4:21 p.m., in reference to terroristic threat that occurred on CR 4530 near Winnsboro. Deputies gave the reporting party advice and cleared the incident.
Deputies responded to a suspicious vehicle on FM 69 near Alba; at approximately 11:49 p.m. Deputies located the vehicle and everything was OK.
October 13th
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to CR 3144 near Quitman; at approximately 12:37 a.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to make contact with the individual.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to CR 1885 near Yantis; at approximately 1:29 a.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to make contact with the individual.
At 1:46 a.m., cows were reported out on CR 1700 near Yantis.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to CR 1739 near Yantis; at approximately 2:00 a.m. Shana Earle, 27, of Yantis, was arrested for an outstanding warrant.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to CR 2276 near Mineola; at approximately 3:15 a.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to make contact with the individual.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to Peachtree St. in Mineola; at approximately 4:05 a.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to make contact with the individual.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to Ivey St. in Mineola; at approximately 4:19 a.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to make contact with the individual.
At 9:20 a.m., cows were reported out on FM 2966 near Yantis.
Deputies were dispatched to PR 7906 near Hawkins, at approximately 11:47 a.m., in reference to criminal trespass. Clinton Yale, 30, of Hawkins, was arrested for outstanding warrants.
At 12:53 p.m., cows were reported out on CR 1416 near Quitman.
Deputies were dispatched to FM 2225 near Quitman, at approximately 1:34 p.m., in reference to theft. Actors, or actors unknown, stole a go-cart from the reporting party’s property. This case has been forwarded to investigators.
Deputies were dispatched to CR 3270 near Mineola, at approximately 2:31 p.m., in reference to an alarm. Deputies spoke with the owner of the residence and everything was OK.
Deputies were dispatched to FM 1483 near Yantis, at approximately 2:33 p.m., in reference to an alarm. Deputies spoke with the owner of the residence and everything was OK.
Deputies were dispatched to FM 14 near Hawkins, at approximately 3:39 p.m., in reference to theft. A known actor stole several items from the reporting party’s property. This case has been forwarded to other agency.
Deputies were dispatched to HWY 80 near Mineola, at approximately 4:01 p.m., in reference to a welfare check. Deputies provided a courtesy transport and cleared the incident.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to CR 4660 near Winnsboro; at approximately 6:42 p.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to make contact with the individual.
At 8:15 p.m., cows were reported out on FM 2966 near Quitman.
Deputies were dispatched to FM 2225 near Yantis, at approximately 8:27 p.m., in reference to a disturbance. Benjamen Williams, 41, of Winnsboro, was arrested for outstanding warrants and Violation of a Protective Order.
Deputies were dispatched to FM 2966 near Yantis, at approximately 9:05 p.m., in reference to suspicious circumstances. Deputies located the suspicious activity and everything was OK.
Deputies were dispatched to CR 2184 near Quitman, at approximately 9:13 p.m., in reference to a disturbance. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to locate the actor.
Deputies responded to a suspicious person on CR 4536 near Winnsboro; at approximately 10:48 p.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to locate the individual.
October 14th
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to Broad St. in Mineola; at approximately 1:23 a.m. Michael Swanker, 34, of Mineola, was arrested for an outstanding warrant.
Deputies responded to a suspicious person on CR 1350 near Quitman; at approximately 1:58 a.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to locate the individual.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to CR 4960 near Quitman; at approximately 2:12 a.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to make contact with the individual.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to CR 4919 near Quitman; at approximately 2:56 a.m. Joseph Walls, 54, of Quitman, was arrested for outstanding warrants.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to HWY 154 near Quitman; at approximately 4:44 a.m. Frankie Clanton, Jr., 40, of Quitman, was arrested for an outstanding warrant and Possession of a Controlled Substance.
Deputies were dispatched to CR 1299 near Yantis, at approximately 4:47 a.m., in reference to an alarm. Deputies checked the building and it was secure.
At 6:40 a.m., horses were reported out on FM 2659 near Hawkins.
Deputies were dispatched to Loop 564 near Mineola, at approximately 7:39 a.m., in reference to an alarm. Deputies checked the building and it was secure.
Deputies went out on an arrest/warrant service to Blackburn St. in Hawkins; at approximately 10:58 a.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to make contact with the individual.
Deputies were dispatched to CR 1600 near Alba, at approximately 1:29 p.m., in reference to a welfare check. Deputies located the individual and everything was OK.
Deputies were dispatched to PR 8692 near Winnsboro, at approximately 2:44 p.m., in reference to criminal mischief. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to locate any signs of criminal mischief.
Deputies were dispatched to FM 2966 near Quitman, at approximately 5:18 p.m., in reference to an alarm. Deputies spoke with the key holder of the building and everything was OK.
Deputies were dispatched to PR 7908 near Hawkins, at approximately 5:51 p.m., in reference to a disturbance. Thomas Dixon, 51, of Hawkins, was arrested for Assault Causes Bodily Injury Family Violence and Resisting Arrest, Search or Transport.
Deputies responded to a suspicious person on CR 2930 near Alba; at approximately 6:03 p.m. Deputies located the individual and everything was OK.
Deputies were dispatched to CR 2379 near Mineola, at approximately 8:10 p.m., in reference to a disturbance. Deputies spoke with all parties involved and cleared the incident.
Deputies responded to a suspicious person on Dog Wood Trail near Hawkins; at approximately 8:12 p.m. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to locate the individual.
Deputies were dispatched to CR 4700 near Winnsboro, at approximately 9:13 p.m., in reference to a burglary. Actors, or actors unknown, stole several items from the reporting party’s residence. This case has been forwarded to investigators.
October 15th
Deputies were dispatched to Main St. in Yantis, at approximately 4:32 a.m., in reference to an alarm. Deputies checked the building and it was secure.
Deputies were dispatched to CR 1425 near Quitman, at approximately 6:42 a.m., in reference to an unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. Actors, or actors unknown, took an ATV from the reporting party’s property without authorization. This case has been forwarded to investigators.
At 8:06 a.m., horses were reported out on HWY 37 near Quitman.
Deputies were dispatched to FM 852 near Winnsboro, at approximately 8:26 a.m., in reference to criminal trespass. Deputies issued a Criminal Trespass Warning and cleared the incident.
Deputies were dispatched to Valley Wood Glen near Hawkins, at approximately 9:33 a.m., in reference to a welfare check. Emergency Medical Services transported the individual to the Emergency Room.
At 10:25 a.m., cows were reported out on CR 1413 near Quitman.
Deputies spoke with the reporting party, at approximately 12:08 p.m., in reference to a theft that occurred on Walnut St. in Yantis. A known actor stole a dog from the reporting party’s property. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to locate the stolen dog.
At 1:15 p.m., cows were reported out on FM 312 near Winnsboro.
Deputies conducted a traffic stop on CR 1246 near Quitman; at approximately 1:28 p.m. Kendall White, 30, of Quitman, was arrested for No Liability Insurance and Display Wrong, Fictitious, Altered or Obscured Motor Vehicle Registration.
Deputies were dispatched to HWY 37 near Mineola, at approximately 5:02 p.m., in reference to a reckless driver. Deputies searched the area, but were unable to locate the vehicle.
At 9:15 p.m., cows were reported out on CR 2966 near Quitman.
October 16th
Deputies responded to a suspicious vehicle on CR 2100 near Quitman; at approximately 3:22 a.m. Deputies spoke with the owner of the vehicle and cleared the incident.
Deputies were dispatched to CR 2205 near Mineola, at approximately 7:07 a.m., in reference to an alarm. Deputies checked the building and it was secure.
At 10:02 a.m., cows were reported out on CR 1413 near Quitman.
Deputies spoke with the reporting party, at approximately 11:29 a.m., in reference to theft that occurred on CR 1941 near Yantis. A known actor stole water from Lake Fork Water Supply. This case is active.
Deputies spoke with the reporting party, at approximately 3:38 p.m., in reference to criminal mischief that occurred on FM 515 near Yantis. A known actor damaged the reporting party’s vehicle. This case has been forwarded to investigators.
At 3:58 p.m., cows were reported out on SPUR 514 near Yantis.
Deputies were dispatched to CR 1522 near Alba, at approximately 4:51 p.m., in reference to a welfare check. Deputies located the individual and everything was OK.
Between the dates of September 26 and October 2, Wood County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to multiple agency assists that included the following: Police Departments and Emergency Medical Services.
Total Jail Count –117 inmates – 95 males and 22 females.
Sheriff Castloo would like to remind everyone…if you have any information on these or any other crimes, please contact the Wood County Sheriff’s Office at 903-763-2201 or Crime Stoppers at 903-763-CASH.
Contact the Wood County Sheriff’s Office if you notice any suspicious vehicles or activity around your neighborhood. Please be aware of your surroundings.