Local resident June Lucky visited the Ongoro Christian School in Kenya in April of this year as a part of a tour of orphanages and other work being carried out in the Homa Bay region of Kenya. The tour of 15 orphanages in the Rift Valley of Kenya supervised by Kenya Widows and Orphans (KWO) led Lucky to begin planning a way to provide $4000 needed to buy sufficient books for the Ongoro School.
She said that when she visited the school, she found respectful, well behaved children attending classes in structures with dirt floors, windows with no glass, little lighting and only chalk boards where chalk paint painted on a stone wall and the lesson copied to the wall by the teacher. Students were using scraps of paper to copy the lesson because they had no textbooks. She realized the great need for textbooks. In Kenya a fee must be paid for children to attend public school, be transported to school and school uniforms must be provided. Lucky said public school teachers in Kenya often do not show up for class. Religion cannot be taught in public schools. Ongoro Christian School is not a public school but is funded by donations.
Lucky has shared the need with others and donations have been made that have her just short of the $4000 goal. So she has been soliciting items to sell in an event to be conducted at a later date (originally set for October 13th, but cancelled due to expected showers and thunderstorms). Items in the sale will include Christmas decorations, a six foot Christmas tree and smaller tree, toys, games, books, movies, kitchen utensils, homemade microwave cozies, dresses, lap quilts and scarves, softball bats and a helmet, shoes, jewelry and more.
She stated a $5 donation will purchase one textbook. The money from the sale and donations will be sent to KWO in Midland, Texas and forwarded to Kenya to purchase books there.