There are lots of things coming up in the future here at the Senior Citizens Center. Mark Your Calendars and come join us. There are plenty of Weekly and Monthly activities to keep you busy. I have attached flyers for the special events Through November. We are still selling Movie Calendars to raise money for a NEW Senior Citizens Center.. Come by and pick one OR MORE up. They are only $ 10.00 and when you see them you will know that they are worth every penny.
1) Monday, August 13th 12:00 Noon Elder Care Attorneys, Ross and Shoalmire – “Law School Lunch” – Free Lunch provided by Carriage House Manor and At Home Healthcare. Subject: “Clawbacks and Paybacks, Is your Social Security at Risk? “
2) Thursday, August 23rd 9:30 – At the ROC at 1st Baptist Church Summer Senior Olympics. Please come in and Sign up. The first 200 People to sign up will get a FREE Olympic T-Shirt to wear.
3) We will have the Annual Homecoming Pizza Party onĀ Friday, September 14th at 11:00. Sponsored by Sulphur Springs Health and Rehab. Come Cheer on the Wildcats. They play Terrell for Homecoming.
4) Monday, September 24th at 11:00 AM. Pie Event with United Health Care. I will give you more details when I know them.
5) Tuesday, September 25th 9:30 AM Mini Walk at the Senior Citizens Center for “2018 A Walk To Remember” $20.00 gets you signed up for the Walk and a Walk T-Shirt. All proceeds benefit Terrific Tuesdays Club.
6) Thursday, October 4th 6:00 PM “A Walk To Remember” at CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital-Sulphur Springs in the Gardens Come Make A Difference in your Community.
7) Tuesday, October 9th 9:00 – 12:00 – 12th Annual Senior Expo at League St Church of Christ. There will be 50 Vendors set up and Flu Shots and many other screenings will be available.
8) Friday, October 12th at 11:00 AM – Clear Captions will hold another “Pizza and Chat” If you plan on attending please call and let me know. We need a head count to order the Pizza.
9) Tuesday, October 23rd, 5:00 PM At the ROC at 1st Baptist Church Hopkins County Fall Festival “Senior Citizens Day” We will have a concert by Dale “The C” Cummings. Light Refreshments will be served.
10) Saturday, October 27th 1:00 Hopkins County Fall Festival “Earl W. Martin 42 Tournament” Cost is $ 10.00 a person. All Cash Prizes.
11) Wednesday, October 31st 11:00 AM – “Good Grief… Its a Peanuts Halloween Party” Come in a Costume, Eat Some Lunch and have a great time. There will be a Costume Contest.
12) Thursday, November 8th 12:00 Noon – 2nd Annual Chili Cook Off Bring Your Chili and Impress the Seniors and Judges.
13) Saturday, November 10th 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM – “An Evening with Mark Twain” with Larry Davis – Admission is a donation to the Building Fund for a NEW Senior Citizens Center