Meet the new Ms. Hopkins County Senior Classic, Mary Ivey, crowned during the 9th annual Pageant on Saturday June 9, 2018 at the Hopkins County Civic Center. Mary is 70 years old, is a wife, mother of 2 and grandmother of 2. Her hobbies include zip lining and white water rafting with her husband Loyd, fishing, gardening and taking care of her dogs. Her talent presentation was a Daisy Mae skit. Mary is a member of Lake Highlands Baptist Church and volunteers her time at WMA and in delivering meals to shut-in Seniors for Meal a Day.

2018 Ms. Hopkins County Senior Classic Mary Ivey with her family

Mary being crowned by outgoing Queen Patsy Crist and Pageant Director Karon Weatherman. Also pictured L. to R. contestants Linda Pickle-Hill, Jan Massey, Linda Barrett, Valerie Ross, Vender Wright and Elizabeth Wilburn. Other contestants were Pam George and Jan Gray.

Local Royalty L. to R. New Queen Mary Ivey, current Ms. Texas Senior/2017 Queen Patsy Crist, 2016 Queen Lavonne Elam, 2012 Queen Ina Gore, 2010 Queen Stella Bagley, 2014 Queen Clydene Fielden, former Ms. Texas Senior Nancy Bassham and Pageant Director Karon Weatherman
Emcees for the evening were Chuck Roy and Enola Gay Mathews. The pageant was judged by local healthcare marketing specialists. A portion of the entertainment was provided by The Line Dancers, a group who meets and rehearses at the Sulphur Springs Senior Citizens Center.

Emcees Enola Gay Mathews, KSST Morning Show host and Chuck Roy, editor of the Community Chronicle

Pageant Judges L. to R. Stacy Wetzel, Misty Walker, Richelle Johnson and Denise McCarty
The Contestants Tea and Rehearsal was held on the afternoon of Friday June 8 at the Civic Center. It was hosted by Leanetta Pryor and Shelly Scheckel of Hopkins Place. The Tea featured beautiful table settings with vintage gloves, jewelry and china settings. A delicious sandwich and fruit lunch with luscious desserts were enjoyed before rehearsals began.

Hopkins Place Shelley Scheckel and Administrator Leanetta Pryor

All 9 contestants on rehearsal day L. to R. Pam George., Jan Gray, Valerie Ross, Linda Barrett, Mary Ivey, Vender Wright, 2017 Queen Patsy Crist, Elizabeth Wilburn, Jan Massey, Linda Pickle-Hill