Most respondents report living inside the city limits.

26% of respondents report their age in the 30’s.

67% or respondents agree, with only 14% disagreeing. 19% are on the fence.

Respondents could endorse each option. Slightly less family friendly trend for the Dining District.

Respondents could endorse each option. A more family friendly trend for the Celebration Plaza.

Respondents clearly feel no change in needed, alcohol sales in the Dining District should continue.

Respondents clearly feel no change in needed, street closing for parades, car shows, concerts and other events should continue.
The question regarding the Downtown Square was poorly written. It was overly confusing and has been excluded. The ‘priority’ portion of the survey was added later, this is the cause for the discrepancy in the number of respondents.

Respondents want more parking. Most comments point to Main Street.

Respondents want wider street. Most comments point to Main street.

Respondents support a curfew. When compared with the age question at the beginning of the survey, it appear that juveniles may not have taken the survey, and may be under represented in these results.

Some support for a Food Truck Weekend.

A parking garage not a priority for respondents. Several factors may affect this: location, cost, practicality, etc

Dogs clearly did not take this survey.

Respondents do not support an additional fountain.

Within the downtown area, no support for additional splash areas.

Respondents show moderate support for more family activities.

Respondents show strong support for kid friendly activities.

Conditions do not yet warrant traffic direction.

Respondents feel that adult supervision of children is the top priority. No other issue presented in the survey received as many comments, and not even parking received more 5 rating.