First responders know how important it is to have a safe and abundant community blood supply. Carter Bloodcare is bringing a mobile unit to Sulphur Springs, Texas to be placed on the Jay Hodge Chevrolet lot on Saturday June 16, 2018 from 8am til 3pm. Members of law enforcement, fire and emergency teams will enter into friendly competition for the most donations of “the gift of life”, and invite the public to get involved. Anyone who donates blood on Saturday can “vote” for the first responder unit they wish in the friendly competition. All donors will receive a Battle of the Badges Local Hero T-shirt and a buy one-get one voucher to a Texas Rangers game. All types of blood are needed.
Donations of B Negative blood for a local 11-year-old leukemia victim, Hailey Geraci, can also be made at Saturday’s drive as well.
In a press release, Carter Blood Care informs that supplies of blood can run low during the summer months. Potential donors must weigh at least 110 pounds, feel well on the day of donation, and present a government-based photo ID when donating. Donors may be age 16 with parental consent, and persons age 17 and up may give independently. For more information, contact