PJC AWARD NOMINEES PJC students nominated for the Distinguished Service Award include from left (standing) Tyler Myers, Alexis Montero, and Aaron Beaulaurier, and (seated) Chelsey Walker and Ryleigh Davidson.
A big part of the 2018 Spring graduation ceremony at Paris Junior College is the announcement of the Distinguished Service Award. This Friday evening one of five outstanding students will be selected at 7:00 p.m. in Noyes Stadium.
Those nominated include Aaron Beaulaurier of Spokane, Wash., Ryleigh Davidson of Blossom, Alexis Montero of Royse City, Tyler Myers of Houston, and Chelsey Walker of Shreveport, La. The Distinguished Service Award is the highest honor a PJC student may receive, signifying not only academic strengths but service to the community as well.
Students who are participating in the ceremony are expected to bring their regalia and line up in the Rheudasil Learning Center on the Paris campus at 6:00 p.m. The ceremony starts at 7:00 p.m. with a processional to Noyes Stadium. A reception will be held after the ceremony at the tennis courts just north of the stadium.
For more information about the ceremony, call 903-782-0425.