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SSISD Head Start & Pre-K Registration Begins April 16

SSISD 2018-2019

Head Start & Pre-K Registration

April 16-20, 2018

Early Childhood Learning Center

390 Hillcrest Drive  s Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482 s 903.439.6170

The Head Start/Pre-K Program will be accepting applications for the 2018-2019 school year. If your child will be 3 or 4 years of age On or Before September 1, 2018, you may complete the registration process to determine if your child will qualify for the program.

How to Register:

Registration/Round-Up will be held the week of April 16-20 between 9:00 – 2:00 @ ECLC.

Parents must:

  1. Bring all required and applicable documents (see list below) in order to register their child. Packets will not be provided if required documents are not obtained.
  2. Complete ALL parts of the application at home
  3. Return completed application to staff and requested information


Household Income — (2017 Tax Returns, 2017 W-2 Forms, or 12 months of Paycheck stub(s),

Letter from Employers if above documents are not available.  Must be on official letter head with contact information and notarized.

TANF, SSI, Child Support/Alimony, Military Documents  – LES/FSSA)

1 Proof of Residency (Electric/Water/Gas Bill, etc.)

(You must reside in the Sulphur Springs School District)

Official Child’s Birth Certificate

Child’s Social Security Card

Child’s Up-to-date Immunization Record

Current Medicaid, Private Insurance or CHIP Card

Food Stamp card and Case #

WIC card

Foster Care Information

IEP’s (Individualized Education Plan)

Dr.’s Notes Concerning Allergy/Health Needs

Custodial Documents or Court Orders

 Head Start provides the following services:

Certified teachers/assistants, two nutritional meals and a snack per day, full-day educational services, outdoor playground facilities, limited transportation services, social services, parent involvement activities, speech/hearing evaluations, health/dental screenings and accepts children with mild, moderate or severe disabilities as determined by individual needs.

Your registration packet must be filled out completely BEFORE your appointment!



Author: Staff Reporter

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