Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Chamber Connection April 26, 2018

We finally get to play some golf!  The Chamber of Commerce 29th Annual Golf Tournament is happening on Friday, April 27th with 8 a.m. tee times and 1:30 tee times.  We had to reschedule on April 13th due to the threat to severe weather, so everyone is really excited that the day is finally here!!

Sulphur Springs Youth Orchestra presents Family Music Night

The Sulphur Springs Youth Orchestra presents a Family Music Night on Friday, April 27th at 6:30 p.m. at Wesley United Methodist, located at 614 Texas Street in Sulphur Springs. This event is free to the public.  Come enjoy movie themed and great classical music performances by local musicians.  Children are welcomed to dress as their favorite movie characters.  For more information, call (903) 261-7907, or email [email protected].

Rotary of Sulphur Springs will host their Claws for a Cause Festival on Saturday, April 28th

The Rotary Club of Sulphur Springs is hosting their annual Claws for a Cause Fundraiser on Saturday, April 28th on Main Street in Sulphur Springs.  Tickets may be purchased online before the event, and at the door for $30 each.  The event begins at 5 p.m. and will last until 9 p.m. or until they run out of crawfish!  Rain or shine, crawfish is happening!!!

Express Employment Professionals hosts their ribbon cutting

Express Employment Professionals is hosting their ribbon cutting celebration on Tuesday, May 1st at noon.  They are located at 204 Shannon Road West in Sulphur Springs.  Please make plans to come by and enjoy snacks and fellowship, as well as learn about this Hopkins County business.

Latson’s Office Solutions’ Customer Appreciation celebration

Latson’s is hosting a customer appreciation event on Thursday, May 3rd from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.  There will be vendor giveaways, door prizes, and food!  Come on out and enjoy Latson’s hospitality, as they say thank you to all their customers.  Latson’s is located at 1329 Industrial Drive West in Sulphur Springs.

The Muddy Lotus offers Foundations of Mindful Movement

Join Mind Tribes founders, Christina & Dan, on Saturday, May 5th at 9:00 a.m. to noon, for a 3-hour introduction to yoga.  In this workshop, you will be introduced to breathing techniques, how to safely align in postures, and how to cultivate a deep mind-body connection.  Suitable for ages 15+.  Cost is $40.  This workshop is located at Muddy Lotus Yoga (inside East Texas Gymnastics), 1402 Mockingbird Lane in Sulphur Springs.  For more information contact Clay Pirtle at [email protected], (903)-243-1614, or visit

Clayton Homes is hosting a Cinco de Mayo event

Clayton Homes in Sulphur springs is hosting a Cinco de Mayo event on Saturday, May 5th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Make plans to go by Clayton Homes for free food, a chance to win a gas grill, and see select homes at blowout prices!

Northeast Texas Choral Society is hosting their 20th Concert!

Our Northeast Texas Choral Society is hosting their spring concert entitled “20 Years 20 Hits”.  It will be held   May 5th at 7 p.m. and on May 6th at 2 p.m. in the Sulphur Springs High School auditorium.  Tickets are $15.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 12 and under. Tickets available at local banks, from NETCS singers, and online at

H.C. Marketers Association presents “Party in the Park”

Calling all Seniors, age 50+, you are invited to dance to some great ‘50’s music and have a rockin’ good time!  Dale the “C” Cummings will be spinning some tunes (from back when music sounded GOOD), and there will be prizes for the Best ‘50’s costume AND a dance-off.  It will be too good to miss, so come on out to Buford Park Pavilion on Tuesday, May 8th from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., for food, tunes, dancing, and fun.

Red River Credit Union is hosting their grand opening

Red River Credit Union is hosting their ribbon cutting celebration and grand opening of their new building on Wednesday, May 9th at noon.  The new located is 822 Gilmer Street in Sulphur Springs.  Please make plans to come by and see this beautiful new building and welcome Red River Credit Union to their new place!

Twogether in Texas Marriage Education Workshop is scheduled for Saturday, May 12th 

The next Twogether in Texas Marriage Education Workshop is scheduled for Saturday, May 12th, at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office, 1200-B W. Houston Street, Sulphur Springs, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  This free workshop will cover marriage expectations, communication, conflict resolution, money management, and goals & dreams.  Lunch and refreshments will be provided.  Engaged couples who attend the workshop will be given a certificate to save $60 upon applying for a marriage license.  Contact the Extension Office at 903-885-3443 to enroll.

Branded Ranch Rodeo is scheduled for Saturday, May 19

Our local Cowboy Churches along with Community Seeds will host and endorse the Branded Ranch Rodeo & at the Hopkins County Regional Civic Center on Saturday, May 9th.  The Rodeo starts at 4 p.m. where you will enjoy sortin’, a calf scramble, wild cow milkin’, muggin’, and bronc riding.  Tickets are $5 per person (kids under 5 are free).  You may also make a donation of $10 for a chance to win a custom Kearney trailer.  This year’s proceeds support Community Seeds. For more information, visit

AgriLife Extension offers Rebalancing Work & Life Webinar

The Military Families Learning Network (MFLN) is providing a free monthly webinar in partnership with USDA, U.S. Department of Defense, and Extension.  The May 23rd webinar will take place at 10:00 a.m.  To sign up, go to:  To join the webinar, use the ‘event location’ link designated for each webinar and follow directions within the site.  The MFLN offers both continuing education credit (CE) and certificates of completion for webinars.  An additional webinar will take place on June 13th.  For more information, call the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office – Hopkins County – at 903-885-3443.

Ribbon Cuttings:

Warp 9 Computers hosted their ribbon cutting celebration

Warp 9 Computers hosted their ribbon cutting celebration on Wednesday, April 18th at noon at the Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce located at 300 Connally Street in Sulphur Springs.  Warp 9 is a new company in town that can program, build, replace, and repair computers for your needs.  Give Phillip a call at (903) 307-4200 for more information.

Author: Staff Reporter

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