There were 26 Teams entered for the Winter 42 Tournament held on Saturday, March 3rd, 2018 in Sulphur Springs. Numerous spectators were there to support their favorites players of the popular domino game which originated in Texas.
Tournament Winners are:
1st Place – Josh Boatman and Trey Hinton
2nd Place – Anne McConnell and Larry Wayne Conner
3rd Place – Joey and Ronnie Martin
4th Place – Cameron Bain and Noe Negrete
Next Tournament — “Summer 42 Tournament” will be
Saturday, June 30th at 10:00 AM at the Senior Citizens Center

1st Place Trey Hinton and Josh Boatman

2nd Place Anne McConnell and Larry Wayne Connor

3rd Place Ronnie and Joey Martin

4th Place Cameron Bain and Noe Negrete